The new music...

So, I was curious if anyone has sneakily managed to mine some of the new music from the files that have been pre-downloaded. I loved the new theme that debuted in the gameplay trailer, and I would love to hear some more of the new music. You know, like how film scores are usually released a few days before the film comes out.
So, anyone dug around and found/converted them to mp3 format?...
So, I was curious if anyone has sneakily managed to mine some of the new music from the files that have been pre-downloaded. I loved the new theme that debuted in the gameplay trailer, and I would love to hear some more of the new music. You know, like how film scores are usually released a few days before the film comes out.
So, anyone dug around and found/converted them to mp3 format?...
Now if you excuse me, I will mine some music ore
I found all the files, so I will spend the next few hours enjoying the great music. I'm not sure where to upload, other than YouTube, but I doubt they would want us spoiling the music by putting it up there. Unless they don't mind, in which case I don't mind doing it.
Thanks for the tip with Audacity
Just a thought...
Does the new music only apply to new areas of BG:EE? We still have the original music for all the other areas, don't we? And what of the opening theme music to BG:EE? Is it the same as BG1's?
I can't be sure of it, but I think that new music is played only in new areas.
BTW, you won't guess how was called Cannals of Baldur's Gate theme... dung.
@Kirkor, I'd consider it a personal favor if you refrained from posting the music online. Anyone who hasn't purchased the game yet should be content with the samples that have already been posted by Beamdog.
@Shin - some of the tracks were in 2 second chunks. I had to arrange them in order. Some of the tracks have several endings (One of them had like 5 or 6 different endings).
If the developers want to publish tracks of the game online as part of their advertising, that's their decision. I know you mean well, but it's really better to leave the marketing to the people who actually made the game and have an idea about how they want to release its content.
Thanks for removing the links, though. I appreciate it.
Hey there,
Just copy the music files and rename their extensions from .acm to .ogg.
You can then hear it in Winamp or other less-fancy players.
Won't it be more fun just to wait an extra couple of days?