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The new music...


So, I was curious if anyone has sneakily managed to mine some of the new music from the files that have been pre-downloaded. I loved the new theme that debuted in the gameplay trailer, and I would love to hear some more of the new music. You know, like how film scores are usually released a few days before the film comes out.

So, anyone dug around and found/converted them to mp3 format?...


  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Well, I've justr tried to do it... It works on a programm called Audacity.
    Now if you excuse me, I will mine some music ore :)
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by Kirkor on
  • LuciusDeiLuciusDei Member Posts: 31
    Ah, Audacity works with .acm files? Awesome.

    I found all the files, so I will spend the next few hours enjoying the great music. I'm not sure where to upload, other than YouTube, but I doubt they would want us spoiling the music by putting it up there. Unless they don't mind, in which case I don't mind doing it.

    Thanks for the tip with Audacity ;) Enjoy the music, too.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Maybe, I don't know, wait for the game to actually be released before pirating it over to YouTube?

    Just a thought...
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Hang on.

    Does the new music only apply to new areas of BG:EE? We still have the original music for all the other areas, don't we? And what of the opening theme music to BG:EE? Is it the same as BG1's?
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited November 2012

    Hang on.

    Does the new music only apply to new areas of BG:EE? We still have the original music for all the other areas, don't we? And what of the opening theme music to BG:EE? Is it the same as BG1's?

    The original music is there among the new one.
    I can't be sure of it, but I think that new music is played only in new areas.

    BTW, you won't guess how was called Cannals of Baldur's Gate theme... dung.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @recklessheart Yes, all of the original music is still there. The new areas and the Black Pits have new music composed by Sam Hulick.

    @Kirkor, I'd consider it a personal favor if you refrained from posting the music online. Anyone who hasn't purchased the game yet should be content with the samples that have already been posted by Beamdog.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    You can play those files directly in VLC, no need for fancy players.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited November 2012
    Aosaw said:

    @Kirkor, I'd consider it a personal favor if you refrained from posting the music online. Anyone who hasn't purchased the game yet should be content with the samples that have already been posted by Beamdog.

    There is music of any game available for anyone on the web. I don't think anyone would listen to these tracks if he is not a fan of the game. And this is actually a way to promote a game - good music. It's like putting screenshots or gameplays - noone gets hurt. And people can even get hooked in and buy the game.

    @Shin - some of the tracks were in 2 second chunks. I had to arrange them in order. Some of the tracks have several endings (One of them had like 5 or 6 different endings).
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yes, but all of those games have been out for more than negative four days, if you catch my meaning.

    If the developers want to publish tracks of the game online as part of their advertising, that's their decision. I know you mean well, but it's really better to leave the marketing to the people who actually made the game and have an idea about how they want to release its content.

    Thanks for removing the links, though. I appreciate it. :)
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Aosaw said:

    Yes, but all of those games have been out for more than negative four days, if you catch my meaning.

    If the developers want to publish tracks of the game online as part of their advertising, that's their decision. I know you mean well, but it's really better to leave the marketing to the people who actually made the game and have an idea about how they want to release its content.

    Well maybe you are right
    Aosaw said:

    Thanks for removing the links, though. I appreciate it. :)

    It wasn't me. Oops o.O
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @Kirkor Aye, those are battle music clips - it's so that they can cut to an ending relatively quickly once you get out of combat.
  • AtianAtian Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2012
    Anyone know why some of the music is in small pieces instead of the whole song being in one file? It's kind of strange.
  • LuciusDeiLuciusDei Member Posts: 31
    Atian said:

    Anyone know why some of the music is in small pieces instead of the whole song being in one file? It's kind of strange.

    It's because of what Shin says above you. Rather than combat music continuing on and on until the end of the track, even if you've been out of combat for 20 seconds, it can stop as soon as you exit combat and continue on with ambient music.

  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @Atian As stated, those are the battle music clips. Essentially as battle music plays as long as you're in combat, each short file either switches to the next file if you're still fighting, or to an ending file if you're not. In theory, at least.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    I like small similarities with old tracks
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    @Aosaw I have the wallpaper version of your profile pic on my desktop.
  • FlauschigFlauschig Member Posts: 84
    Shin said:

    You can play those files directly in VLC, no need for fancy players.

    Thanks, now i can hear all of my the favorite music!
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited November 2012
    LuciusDei said:


    So, I was curious if anyone has sneakily managed to mine some of the new music from the files that have been pre-downloaded. I loved the new theme that debuted in the gameplay trailer, and I would love to hear some more of the new music. You know, like how film scores are usually released a few days before the film comes out.

    So, anyone dug around and found/converted them to mp3 format?...

    Hey there,

    Just copy the music files and rename their extensions from .acm to .ogg.

    You can then hear it in Winamp or other less-fancy players.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Little gems in there. templea.acm is truly one of them! There's also the day tune in a calm fashion: tday2a.acm. And to accompany a good drink or some company, listen to tav3a.acm. But if you prefer there's the good oldthma.acm.
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    I like all of the new music, the new voices are also cool apart from Male5 which is awful IMHO.
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    Abel said:

    Little gems in there. templea.acm is truly one of them! There's also the day tune in a calm fashion: tday2a.acm. And to accompany a good drink or some company, listen to tav3a.acm. But if you prefer there's the good oldthma.acm.

    Those would make some rather catchy top40 song titles.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    All these sneak peeks at content remind me of kids trying to guess their presents by unwrapping tiny pieces of wrapping paper :D

    Won't it be more fun just to wait an extra couple of days?
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    decado said:

    All these sneak peeks at content remind me of kids trying to guess their presents by unwrapping tiny pieces of wrapping paper :D

    Won't it be more fun just to wait an extra couple of days?

    *stomps foot* NO!
  • AtianAtian Member Posts: 32
    @Shin Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.
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