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Suggestion: Frustrating item/placeable properties "feature"

Whenever you mouse-over the model area of the properties window in the toolset any text cursers you're using at the time disappears. I've illustrated the problem (and my MS paint skills) here:

I can't think of any situation a builder would actually want this to happen as any manipulation of the model display requires you to mouseclick anyways.

I've encountered this strange dissappearing text curser "feature" lots of times without realizing what caused it. I currently have the task of creating 400 items as a part of a new innovative crafting system when i realized what caused. Thinking that this most likely is something unintentional gives me a strong desire for this to be fixed!

Hope it's doable! Keep up the great work beamdog!

PS:I realize i'm spelling "text curser" wrong but i can't for the life of me remember the correct spelling. Any help is appreciated :)


  • FaerûnFaerûn Member Posts: 39
    I can't say I've ever noticed this before, so I'm not sure it's been a big issue for me. That said, from my limited programming knowledge, I'd have to assume the reason this is happening is because as soon as you mouse over the model display window the toolset is "getting" your cursor position, which resets it from the text field. This could be an easy fix - perhaps if they change the model display to wait for an "on click" function you could be spared some pain. Maybe it's much more complicated and they would rather work on something else.

    Still! I hope someone takes mercy on you, Cablefish. I think you may be better suited posting this to the Trello board or inside of technical support though?

    Oh, and the spelling you're looking for is "text cursor"! :smiley:
  • PhantomizerPhantomizer Member Posts: 76
    It happens to me as well, a lot of the time without even realizing.
  • ProphetSwordProphetSword Member Posts: 43
    In over a decade of development with NWN, I don't think I've ever encountered this even once. That being said, I don't think I'd want to encounter it.

    Seems like a simple issue, where the window is stealing the focus away from text field (simple in theory, anyway, no idea how it's implemented in the code). Hopefully, it's something they can fix easily.
  • PhantomizerPhantomizer Member Posts: 76

    In over a decade of development with NWN, I don't think I've ever encountered this even once. That being said, I don't think I'd want to encounter it.

    Seems like a simple issue, where the window is stealing the focus away from text field (simple in theory, anyway, no idea how it's implemented in the code). Hopefully, it's something they can fix easily.

    My memory Is a little foggy, but I think this Is something Inherent to EE, because I don't recall encountering It In the original NWN.
  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    My adjustable keyboard tray mounted on the under side of my desk leaves my mouse at a considerable slant if I sit too low. So when I open a properties box, put the cursor in the field I want to type in, then move my hands to my keyboard to type, the mouse slides down a little and the cursor disappears from the field I wanted to type in. It's very annoying. Sometimes I'll just type left handed while I hold the mouse in place or give up on the squat, comfy chair and use the proper office one that sits much higher.

    I don't think the mouse pointer necessarily has to go into the model area for this to happen to me - it just has to slide down the screen a little bit.

    #4 in the picture is an accurate description of what happens to you when this occurs.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Report it as a bug.

  • krynnmeridiakrynnmeridia Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2018
    I've had this issue as well. It was also present in the original NWN.
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