Dear People of this forum...

Dear people of this forum, fans and developers.
I write this in a semi-sleepy/trance state of mind, listening to my favorite music, relaxing and thinking about life.
I would like to take the time to say thank you to many of the people on here for being so friendly, intelligent and for supporting the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition game. I have enjoyed reading the articles and threads, I have been reduced to tears of laughter from the carefully timed memes and just enjoyed reading peoples comments, experiences with Baldur's gate and the many random arguments and debates that have happened on here.
I made a thread before saying thank you to the developers and I supported the well decided stall of the release date. But you know what that isn't enough, its not just the developers that deserve credit, without the players who give feedback, talk and share or The forum members who per-ordered and the people who talk and debate and spread the word about Baldurs Gate, and most importantly! us all who played the game and supported its existence by sitting back and saying "This game is great". I do hope that the developers and the game does well, and brings new people to a game which has had a cult following since the beginning. I can only hope it makes a mark on the gaming industry, it may not affect it all, but I can dream a little. Gaming isn't what it used to be, its a mixture of art, excellent atmosphere, music, visuals, experience, interactivity and people. 'It's so hard to find decent games now'adays' with the games industry pumping out more drivel than ever it is important to have examples to set the bar of what should be done and how it should be done.
Now this may be a little sad congratulating you all, because its just a game, but this game means a lot to me it was the first PC game I played and it introduced me to gaming. The pure nostalgia and how the game has brought hundreds if not thousands of us, people like me and not so much together to participate in pointless banter and celebration over something which was made before the year 2000 and is not so much widely known, it makes me happy. If there is any game that will bring isometric gaming back into fashion then this is it.
I hope everyone enjoys the game on the 28th of November when its released, but more importantly I just hope every has a good day and enjoys their lives.
Now I am going to catch some sleep and continue with my existence.
I write this in a semi-sleepy/trance state of mind, listening to my favorite music, relaxing and thinking about life.
I would like to take the time to say thank you to many of the people on here for being so friendly, intelligent and for supporting the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition game. I have enjoyed reading the articles and threads, I have been reduced to tears of laughter from the carefully timed memes and just enjoyed reading peoples comments, experiences with Baldur's gate and the many random arguments and debates that have happened on here.
I made a thread before saying thank you to the developers and I supported the well decided stall of the release date. But you know what that isn't enough, its not just the developers that deserve credit, without the players who give feedback, talk and share or The forum members who per-ordered and the people who talk and debate and spread the word about Baldurs Gate, and most importantly! us all who played the game and supported its existence by sitting back and saying "This game is great". I do hope that the developers and the game does well, and brings new people to a game which has had a cult following since the beginning. I can only hope it makes a mark on the gaming industry, it may not affect it all, but I can dream a little. Gaming isn't what it used to be, its a mixture of art, excellent atmosphere, music, visuals, experience, interactivity and people. 'It's so hard to find decent games now'adays' with the games industry pumping out more drivel than ever it is important to have examples to set the bar of what should be done and how it should be done.
Now this may be a little sad congratulating you all, because its just a game, but this game means a lot to me it was the first PC game I played and it introduced me to gaming. The pure nostalgia and how the game has brought hundreds if not thousands of us, people like me and not so much together to participate in pointless banter and celebration over something which was made before the year 2000 and is not so much widely known, it makes me happy. If there is any game that will bring isometric gaming back into fashion then this is it.
I hope everyone enjoys the game on the 28th of November when its released, but more importantly I just hope every has a good day and enjoys their lives.
Now I am going to catch some sleep and continue with my existence.
Post edited by Majoca on
On the other hand, when we're speaking about Baldur's Gate you're deadly's not just a game...
...would you call the Allegretto from Beethoven's Seventh Symphony just a music?
...would you call Marcel Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" just a book?
...would you call Guernica from Pablo Picasso just a paint?, Baldur's Gate is REAL ART, and when we talk about art you need much more than what is requested for an Assassin's Creed: need a publisher willing to give you the money, no questions asked need a publisher willing to give you full freedom of choice need extremely skilled and creative people
...who feel at ease working together
...and then maybe (MAYBE! MAYBE NOT!) the magic happens, and truly Masterpieces like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment are made...and some people keep talking about them -loving them- 13 years later.
This happened 13 years ago, and that's because we were in the Renaissance of videogames, it's hard to face the truth but I think it's unlikely that we're gonna see something like this for a long long time...well...let's just rock with Baldur's Gate EE for now...
Like the post made by AlexDeLarge. That is what I meant.
And for the love of god DON'T like THIS post either. If you like this post, I hate you.
There is no such a thing as a "REAL ART". Either something is considered as an art or not. In a similar fashion woman can't be "truly pregnant". She's either pregnant or not.
I agree about game industry. There are hardly any games worth waiting for nowadays. I remember times, years ago to be exact, when I was reading games-related magazines and tinking to myself: "Wow, I would like to play this, it looks interesting" (that's how I began my interest in Baldur's Gate, btw). Now, typically when watching gameplay trailers, what are my reactions? Two examples:
- "God, this sh*t doesn't even look or feel like Rayman game. And this retarded art style... (Rayman: Origins)"
- "It's good that they want to make continuation of the movie, but it's made be people who have released Duke Nukem Forever. Failure is expected" (Aliens: Colonial Marines).
Games just doesn't feel that awesome like they used to be. But maybe I'm the one who got senile.
you are a strange man to think such a thing?? why would someone fish for like and agrees, I have much better things to do with my life than earn numbers and little points on a forum :S
I actually put effort into my post and was being honest! I really like baldurs gate and I have really enjoyed these forums. I wont be on these forums for a while once the game is out!
Oh after reading your post I didn't realize people thought that this could be a post which was a like/agree/insight fishing thing, Ive seen others do it with like polls. I would of posted this regardless of the point system and why did they get rid of the dislike button? I actually wanted to start a discussion about the games industry and for people to congratulate each other on their contribution :O.
did it become corrupt over the years following the $$$ as we think or it's just us who are getting old and senile? (hope not lol!)
I read your first comment up above and agree that there are a lot of games out now which are like fast food, you cannot describe it anymore clear than that really. Those type of games have there own market but there nothing more than a past time or to entertain simple minded people. Where as I prefer games which have a lot of consideration towards music, visuals and characters.
For a game to be good it doesn't have to be complex. Just needs thought and quality design.
Noise in images is usually criticized because it looks "blurry", or old and unclear. Noise is a result of film grains or seen in a digital image because the sensor has captured light in a low light situation, it has its own atmosphere and particularly when using film looks great. Most people see noise as a bad thing when it rarely affects the subject only how it is seen.
Now in gaming, graphics like Baldurs gate and Minecraft are not top of the range and there gameplay is great, a lot of companies need to concentrate on game play more so than how it is seen. Now it depends what you want, Ive palyed many games and thought "well that was pretty good, and the graphics were awesome" but really what I want to say is "man! that game was brilliant! I must tell someone about it! *rush to phone and text best friend*" and in a years time play it again and enjoy it and take no regards how it looks. I find a lot of games are quite dull in atmosphere but look pretty. Its hard to write down how I feel without spending a long time thinking about it.
or crack