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I cannot get the PRC to work with EE



  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    GawainBS said:

    Yeah, but from I gathered from this thread, the PRC doesn't work yet with NWN EE, or am I mistaken?

    You're not mistaken.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @GawainBS , @pscythe after reading this thread I was under impression that the only reason why PRC is called incompatible with NWN:EE is because the PRC Character Creator doesn't work under it... I haven't tried to install it myself though so maybe I am wrong
  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    Shadooow said:

    @GawainBS , @pscythe after reading this thread I was under impression that the only reason why PRC is called incompatible with NWN:EE is because the PRC Character Creator doesn't work under it... I haven't tried to install it myself though so maybe I am wrong

    There is also the issue of crashes in EE and bugs that BD needs to fix.
  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    Is there anything moving in that regard? Or is the PrC abandoned for the EE? (In which case, I'm going it to ask for a refund. I can't play NWN without it.)
  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    GawainBS said:

    Is there anything moving in that regard? Or is the PrC abandoned for the EE? (In which case, I'm going it to ask for a refund. I can't play NWN without it.)

    You could try it out. EE should be more stable now. Just remember to select character rather than creating a new one, so that means create your characters like you used to when playing 1.69 then move them over to EE.
  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    Alright, going to test it. Thanks!
  • HyperLethalVectorHyperLethalVector Member Posts: 1
    Did you try it? and more importantly, did it work?
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    Question: Are any of the original Staff who developed the PRC still active in some capacity? Has Stratovarius moved on to other projects or just life in general?
  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    I tried it, and the main problem is that the PRC updater can't detect the NWN installation. It defaults to my GoG directory, where the Diamond Edition is installed.
  • StratovariusStratovarius Member Posts: 30

    Question: Are any of the original Staff who developed the PRC still active in some capacity? Has Stratovarius moved on to other projects or just life in general?

    I'm alive, although I've not touched the PRC in ~9 years at this point. I do occasionally see what's going on with it, but little more. Got different projects to keep me busy now, and to be honest I'm a lot older. I was a sophomore in college when I founded the PrCC (as it was then called), and it's 15 years later. Things change.

    But I'm sure I can still remember a few bits and pieces if people need help...
  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    Hey Stratovarius, good to hear from you again! Just getting the PrC in its current form to work with NWNEE would be great. It's not the same without it...
  • StratovariusStratovarius Member Posts: 30
    Not really who I am any more, but if someone wants to take the challenge up, I'll at least try and offer as much knowledge as I can.
  • clansunstarclansunstar Member Posts: 33

    Not really who I am any more, but if someone wants to take the challenge up, I'll at least try and offer as much knowledge as I can.

    I have been attempting to debug and improve the PRC for both 1.69 and EE, I kind of took up the reigns a couple years ago when it was abandoned. I for one am very happy to see you return.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited August 2018

    I have been attempting to debug and improve the PRC for both 1.69 and EE, I kind of took up the reigns a couple years ago when it was abandoned. I for one am very happy to see you return.

    Make that two.

  • StratovariusStratovarius Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2018
    If you need to get ahold of me, I'm easiest to reach via Discord at, although a forum PM might get me as well. I also keep an eye on the old PRC forums at
  • StilleVandeStilleVande Member Posts: 9
    A bunch of old schoolers been bashing our heads together, and finally we have a base module running PRC3.5e and smathering of high quality tilesets working. You can even choose all the PRC content via the character creator. :)

    Its BARE bones, but PRC is on it. We have one public area that has a single NPC leveler so we can see whats working properly!

    If you would likke to assist bug squashing this, you can find us at

  • KomradeKekKomradeKek Member Posts: 1
    Hey I was wondering if prc is working for ee yet (i never played either 1 or 2 before) and if so how do I install them?
  • StratovariusStratovarius Member Posts: 30
    The PRC works for NWN. Install instructions can be found earlier in the thread, and if they aren't clear enough, please drop by the discord that StilleVande posted.
  • StilleVandeStilleVande Member Posts: 9
    PRC 3.5 is now on the Workshop!

    The subscription even comes with the OC, SoU, and HoTU preinjected with PRC for the ease of players.

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