Incidencia NWN 1 HD

Buenas noches para todos, tengo un pequeño problema en el juego el cual cuando estoy jugando a los pocos minutos me saca del juego y me salta un mensaje el cual me pone esto, adjunto imagen.

=== Crash
What you see below is debug info that will help us fix a crash you have
encountered. Please create a new public ticket for NWN on
and attach all of it. This will help us figure out what went wrong.
We can fix issues best when you include all relevant info that led to
this crash so we can reproduce it - the more the better.
Thank you.
=== Props
target = nwmain
time = 1522366187
exception = c0000005
g_sBuildNumber = 8166
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
&GenericCrashHandler = 0080D2E0
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\javir\OneDrive\Documentos\Neverwinter Nights/nwmain-crash-1522366187.dmp.
=== End
I can repro this by going to YouTube in Chrome, playing some videos, closing Chrome, and then trying to launch the game from either the Beamdog tool or directly from nwnmain.exe. I suspect some video or audio resource is left locked which is causing problems for the expanded Edition when launching the game. This does *not* repro with vanilla (i.e. non-Enhanced Edition) nwnmain.exe -- I verified that.
Cuando sepa algo te lo are saber un saludo.
("Duolingo" es bueno para algo finalmente.