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Toolset Error, List index out of bounds (210)

Hi all.

I have just come back to nwn from more than 10 years away. I loaded up my old pw module on the toolset and was greeted with this error message when I tried to open up an area, (mainly my main city)

List index out of bounds (210)

I then click ok and it does load the area but the loading area box with the 2 slide bars;
bioware aurora neverwinter nights toolset: Loading area
Total Progess

The loading area box doesnt dissapear and i cant access anything in the toolset, i then have to ctrl-alt-delete and close the toolset to get out of it. I can then reload the toolset fine but again if i try to open that area the same thing occurs.

Any clues as to what could be causing this?


  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    edited March 2018
    That is usually a tileset error from your city area having a tile that no longer exists in your haks pretty sure of it so although you have the right hak name to load your module to avoid missing hak message I would say that hak is not updated or is missing a tile you used and built with. Missing a placeable placed in an area also makes errors but I do not know if it is also a 210 so it could be that too.
  • virusmanvirusman Member, Developer Posts: 173
    Please report this on Redmine and attach a module. If you can't share the module publicly, mention this in the issue description.
  • JonDarkbladeJonDarkblade Member Posts: 6
    Thanks sylvus. Turns out i was missing a file somewhere. I couldnt work out which one it was so i just redownloaded all the cep data off nwvault and replaced it, works fine now.
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