How is the DnD Online MMO rules?
Member Posts: 288
I havn't studied the online DnD MMO much, but wonder if it's system are more suited and streamlined for computer gaming, than the rigid PnP rules?
Basically you click on an enemy, run up to it, hold your left-mouse button, and that makes you swing and swing until it dies. its not a hot-key heavy game with an attack for everything like, say, wow does it.
I wish that oridnary games had macros, specially cluster macros, where on just 1 key there could be multiple actions/spells tied to it, it was great beneficial in WoW.
Mainly spell caster classes are more hot-bar heavy, as you will want quick reach to your spells.
Really I would say to just try it out, its f2p (And not Pay-to-win) so your not really losing anything but time to check it out
I've played two lives as a pale master, and a third life as a Necromancy primary / Conjuration secondary Archmage, both being incredibly powerful. PMs get near invincibility with self healing, conjuration AMs get super cheap almost free webs which work throughout the whole game.
I also dabled with a cleric, bard, rogue, artificer, and sorcerer, all were good fun to play, but just didn't compare to my uber wizard.
If you go in thinking it's like WoW, then you're in trouble, because the option to multiclass in DDO can lead to confusion.
If you go in thinking it's like pen and paper, then you'll be in trouble.
For example a good melee build is to be a two handed weapon weilding favoured soul diving caster class.
You won't be able to focus on anything but necromancy as a wizard, to a lesser extent enchantment and conjuring. And you'll have to either be a robot or a necromancer to stay alive.
Many things in DDO don't work as intended or are generally useless or outdone by similiar effects. AC is not needed.
You need to know your monster manual too. What creatures are vulnerable to specific types of damage etc.
ALSO guilds in DDO are more elitist jerk than those I have met on WoW.
Basically you think you can play whatever class/race combo you like, but people will rip you a new hole with their negative slandering of why this is useless and why you should do otherwise. When you come to running level 20 and above epic content, people will nitpick you to death with your build etc.
The crafting system is T E R R I B L E and often nonsensical, although I have heard they've updated it.
I was a three life wizard, first life druid.
These are just my impressions of the game. I'm sure there are heaps of people that enjoy it, perhaps I have a differing mentality of what fun is in an MMO. DDO didn't really do it for me due to it not being new person friendly, and it's repitition not worth the effort. I know all MMO's are repetitive, but as an example, in WoW you can at least see the reward.
Guild Wars 2 would perhaps be a better MMO. Easy to get into, hard to master. Though I've recently grown tired of it. That said it has five great races, eight great and differing classes to choose from and is absolutely beautiful.
Also named loot is rarer than legendaries on WoW to get, they never drop.
I was running around with my super gear giving me 150 HP on a wizard at level 5, and along comes a dumped con caster that dies everywhere while I zerg zerg zerg all guns a blazing with my trusty pocket healer
Silly new players are a lot of fun. Another time I came across a 6 con rogue, stating that he was playing the game in hardcore mode ... I'm like, I don't even ... One failed save against almost any trap and he's dead.
Oh, also this one time, I was going the depths quests in house D with a bad sorcerer that kept running into everything and dying fast. So near the end I asked him / her to come to my location and said,
'see that mushroom over there? I like mushrooms. Could you get me one?'. Sorcerer charges at the mushroom ... And chop! Blade trap ends his adventuring career. Immense laughter was to be had.