Recruiting Small Team for Development of Persistant World Module

Hello all,
I was stoked to see NWN being revitalized, and I got in contact with some old companions of mine, and we have raised some funding to make a serious go at creating a persistent world module, and we are looking for a team.
We had designs.
We will be aiming to create a realistic realm, with low magic-items, risk-reward oriented advancement, and some game mechanics that will keep player thrill-levels up, whilst eliminating 'grinding' but still providing what will be a slow advancement realm, with emphasis on role-play (tho not strictly).
We will be designing some mechanics which will add realism to our realm, (simple example: if an enemy is using a longsword to fight you... it will drop a longsword on death, because that only makes sense)
Spawns won't just appear out of no-where without explanation (because it's a game mechanic) instead we will script enemy reinforcements in a way which feels more realistic,
We will have very little in terms of generic questing (for the sake of questing). Any quests we add to the game will be uniquely a part of story-line.
We will use a NPC conversation system which is orientated around keywords and actually literally typing to NPC's and paying attention to their responses, and possibly even keeping notes on your own accord. Talking to NPC's will be interesting and of value.
We have a lot of mechanics in mind in fact, these are just a few,
What we are looking for is a small team of developers, one or two coders, and a couple of area designers and/or writers,
But coders in particular.
We have some budget to pay also - we are looking for a legit team, but we need a team that is part in it for the fun, and part in it for the pay, because we don't have a -huge- budget,
So if anyone out there fits that bill, and is interested in making some money on a little hobby project... please do reply
I was stoked to see NWN being revitalized, and I got in contact with some old companions of mine, and we have raised some funding to make a serious go at creating a persistent world module, and we are looking for a team.
We had designs.
We will be aiming to create a realistic realm, with low magic-items, risk-reward oriented advancement, and some game mechanics that will keep player thrill-levels up, whilst eliminating 'grinding' but still providing what will be a slow advancement realm, with emphasis on role-play (tho not strictly).
We will be designing some mechanics which will add realism to our realm, (simple example: if an enemy is using a longsword to fight you... it will drop a longsword on death, because that only makes sense)
Spawns won't just appear out of no-where without explanation (because it's a game mechanic) instead we will script enemy reinforcements in a way which feels more realistic,
We will have very little in terms of generic questing (for the sake of questing). Any quests we add to the game will be uniquely a part of story-line.
We will use a NPC conversation system which is orientated around keywords and actually literally typing to NPC's and paying attention to their responses, and possibly even keeping notes on your own accord. Talking to NPC's will be interesting and of value.
We have a lot of mechanics in mind in fact, these are just a few,
What we are looking for is a small team of developers, one or two coders, and a couple of area designers and/or writers,
But coders in particular.
We have some budget to pay also - we are looking for a legit team, but we need a team that is part in it for the fun, and part in it for the pay, because we don't have a -huge- budget,
So if anyone out there fits that bill, and is interested in making some money on a little hobby project... please do reply

Do you have site or any test servers up?