Achievements for Steam NWN EE?

Please forgive me if this has been asked before:
I was hoping there would be Steam Achievements for Neverwinter Nights EE when it got released?
Is this something that is planned or any hope for this to be added to the game?
I'm hoping this will come soon, I very much enjoy playing games with achievements too.
Don't get me wrong, NWN EE is a great game without it. But it would give the extra spice I'm looking
for when I play games on my Steam client.
Was actually hoping that achievements/trophies or something would come to the Beamdog client too at some point.
Tom F.
Please forgive me if this has been asked before:
I was hoping there would be Steam Achievements for Neverwinter Nights EE when it got released?
Is this something that is planned or any hope for this to be added to the game?
I'm hoping this will come soon, I very much enjoy playing games with achievements too.
Don't get me wrong, NWN EE is a great game without it. But it would give the extra spice I'm looking
for when I play games on my Steam client.
Was actually hoping that achievements/trophies or something would come to the Beamdog client too at some point.
Tom F.
Can't wait to see the rest of the development for this game.