Premade modded Graphics Pack?

I don't suppose this exists at all does it?
I'm new to the modding scene and not very good or technical so I was hoping to download a premade graphics enhancement pack that I can just drop into the relevant folders and off I go?
Welcome any help for an older player
I'm new to the modding scene and not very good or technical so I was hoping to download a premade graphics enhancement pack that I can just drop into the relevant folders and off I go?
Welcome any help for an older player

Hope that helps.
I really don't understand how to mod and improve this version sadly
Project Q is probably something you will enjoy quite a bit. It is bssically a mod which replaces lots of NwN's models with high quality models. My favourites are project q's orc and lizardfolk models.
You may also find this article to be of interest.
Then make sure you have all of projectq haks in the \haks directory and its tlk in the \tlk directory and anything else for other directories.
In the same directory where you put the userpatch.ini file you edit the nwn.ini and put a patch line in like this
PATCH=C:\Users\YOU_NAME\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\hak
[Video Options]
When you want to add more things like heads or whatever else to add as a patch hak you edit the userpatch.ini and just add new lines like this
Im unsure if I am copying the contents of the Project Q folder to my C:NVN or my C:user/NVN?
IT's been a LONG time since ive worked with NWN - but it's probably a leading reason i work in the field i do so im so happy to see BD take it under their wing like all my other favorites.
What do I call the userpatch.ini
At the moment it's called "nvnpatch.ini" and it's in my main game directory
I don't know where to put the tlk files?
It seems the instructions on this page differ to the enhanced edition?
I'm tearing my hair out here wondering why it won't work?
In that same directory is a file called nwn.ini and you open it with Notepad or whatnot and put the Patch stuff in there, as shown in Sylvus_Moonbow post.
For any tlk files, you may need to go to that same directory we've been talking about and if there's no folder named "tlk" just create one there named "tlk" and drop the tlk files in it. If it's already there, just put the files into it.
Good luck.
So navigate to your C:\Users\YOU_NAME\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\hak directory.
These are all the hak files from Project Q location.
go back a directory and enter the \tlk directory. Make sure you have this in there
Now I don't know how you downloaded Q but if you did it by manually opening up an archive file you would have just dragged and dropped the files into its specific directory anyway.
The userpatch is in the right place and configured so is the nvn.ini
I have the Community 1.72 patch working and configured correctly so I just don't get it?
Also the folders from the Prokect Q zip are in my local directory as well.
The game starts fine but I see no changes at all?
1. Expanded custom palettes will show blank text for new field names.
2. No new creature, item, placeable, or tiles will appear in content not specifically designed with Project Q (this includes the OC, SoU, and HotU); although, overwriting content should appear.
3. No ACP. The files are there, but without the scripts to enable it, you can't use it.
4. No custom phenotypes. Again, the files are there but the content cannot be used unless the module you are playing was specifically designed to use it.
5. etc. etc.
Secondly, Project Q has not been updated for EE. While it may work with it, I have little doubt that there will be issues with the EE that have yet to reveal themselves.
Thirdly, Project Q is a MODULE ADD-ON pack. That means, you create a module in the toolset, then follow the documentation in /docs/qDocs to install Project Q into the module (this documentation is included in each release notes txt file.)
ProjectQ, as Paul says, is designed to be used in creating new modules (or one could go back and update old modules), using the Toolset. Then, that module can be played by anyone who's installed ProjectQ, and they'll see all that new stuff in that module.
The solution for you, I think, is to install Zwerkule's Facelift as described above. Then install an overriding Creature Compilation the same way. Those models will take the place of the old models in The Wailing Death and other OC modules, and you'll see the difference immediately.
I do not know why it is not working for you @Prismv but once you have it working it is great!
before Q as patch hak
after Q as patch hak
and I got info on what it does and looks like from a nwn blogger you can visit it here if you want.
But some more images of what patch hak in Q will do.
and difference in weapons and armors
Well I hope you get it working @Prismv because it is worth the trouble of downloading the haks and organizing them to a patch hak system so default nwn pops.
So I think I have made some progress, I added the "PATCH" line at the top of my ini file. (not after the Video Options as someone else suggested on this post and I can see the amended weaponds icos as shown above) BUT I'm starting the campaign from new in the Prelude so will the Project Q changes not show up during this section?
I'm a single player so want to try and complete the official campaigns first, will the Project Q only work in later sections?
So if you see it that way in your game too you are all set and ready to go and now that you know how to do this you can download other retexture packs and add them to your patch hak too like Q does.
So in addition to the Project Q are there any other haks I should download.
Is there a better UI option?
The only mod I know of that kind of makes loot appear quicker than default is Hyper-Gore Re-Revisited Edition. And that's only because bodies won't disappear into thin air anymore, making it possible to loot them as soon as you killed them. Not sure if that's what you're looking for tho.