Mac App store version still at 1.3.2053?

I decided to fire up the Mac version BG:EE today after a long absence and saw that my copy was still at 1.3.2053.
I purchased it from Apple's UK (Mac) App store back in 2013 and so went looking for an update....but the most recent version there is also 1.3.2053. What am I missing here? Isn't the live version 2.x?
I purchased it from Apple's UK (Mac) App store back in 2013 and so went looking for an update....but the most recent version there is also 1.3.2053. What am I missing here? Isn't the live version 2.x?
The current plan is that all platforms, Android/iOS/Windows/Linux/Mac will get the 2.5 update, and it will be simultaneously released on all stores. In practice, I suspect that means it will be submitted to Apple for validation on launch day, but hopefully will proceed to release fairly easily. Note that previous App Store releases have taken several months and iterations before Apple accepted, because when you let your maintenance slide for an OS X release or two, the App Store picks up new rules for validation that must be passed. I think the 1.3 release was around 3 months late to the Mac App Store compared to other platforms, and around 6 weeks later than getting the iOS version validated.
Also, as of the new OS X update out this week, Apple will warn when you launch a 32-bit app such as the Infinity EE games, signaling that they might not work at all if we don't get a patch out before the next OS X release, traditionally around September.
If you have an urgent need for the 2.x series on the Mac, you can purchase again from any of the other app stores mentioned above. BeamDog know this is not an ideal situation, but if they had the resources to fix it sooner as an out-of-band patch for OS X they probably would have already.
And yes, the main reason I hang around these forums is to harangue BeamBog about missing Mac patches, so I know the public history quite well!