[Question] Magic arrow stacks in NWN EE

Did NWN EE increase the amount of arrows that could be placed in a stack similar to the enhanced editions for BG?
I ask because I started a local server and I've noticed the magic arrow stacks dropping on kobolds have a count of 99 and sell for a game breaking amount of gold at the store vendor. This could be the module I downloaded (The World of Annwn), but I have no way to compare to an older version of the game so I can't say for sure if it is intentional. All I know is my level 2 character has over a 100 thousand gold...
I ask because I started a local server and I've noticed the magic arrow stacks dropping on kobolds have a count of 99 and sell for a game breaking amount of gold at the store vendor. This could be the module I downloaded (The World of Annwn), but I have no way to compare to an older version of the game so I can't say for sure if it is intentional. All I know is my level 2 character has over a 100 thousand gold...
Post edited by Tartle_Wizard on
It sounds very much to me like the module you were playing simply had not balanced things correctly.