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Better potrait browsing!

Sorry if this has already been adressed, but!

It kills me to brows potraits, that I can only click 1 potrait at a time, instead I would like to least watch 18 at a time, and automaticly have customs have the small picture selected too.
IIRC there was a designated letter for female and male custom potraits, so it would be good if the game could automaticly jump to relevant gender, but still allow us to scroll up to opposit gender, in case that some potraits are androgynic or doesn't reveal a gender.

If Steve Jobs played this he would rate the search feather 1/10.


  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    edited November 2012
    Pretty nice suggestion, but that's definitely something that will be done post-ship, assuming it will be done at all.

    Nobody cares how much Steve Jobs would rate this.
    Post edited by O_Bruce on
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Well if not for BG I then hopefully for BG II! ..and what ever RPG may come!

    SJ was a genious for making things for people with low spatial navigation, that said I don't own any Apple thingies.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Do not misunderstand me. By saying "post-ship" I've meant that it might be added to the game later in the patches or free dlcs.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288

    Do not misunderstand me. By saying "post-ship" I've meant that it might be added to the game later in the patches or free dlcs.


  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,527
    This has actually come up in the beta, so it had already been requested when this thread was created. Hopefully it will be implemented post-ship.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    *swoops in*
    *takes credit*
    *swoops out*

  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288

    This has actually come up in the beta, so it had already been requested when this thread was created. Hopefully it will be implemented post-ship.


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