How to get the NWN EE Installation directory

How do you find where EE is installed on Windows now? Standard NWN had a bunch of information inside the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/BioWare/NWN but I can't find anything in the registry for the EE (searched on my install path, "Beamdog", "NWN").
Incidentally, I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate and installed the game via Beamdog Client. I'm wanting this information because I'm trying to fix up the Hak Installer tool that comes with the PRC. If there's nothing, I'll just have to code up a GUI to select the installation directory.
[My Documents]\Neverwinter Nights (Windows)
~/Documents/Neverwinter Nights (macOS)
~/.local/share/Neverwinter Nights (Linux)
This (and waiting for a NWN:EE bug to be fixed) are the last things stopping the PRC from working in EE. It's looking like I'll have to code up a GUI to get people to enter the install directory themselves.
3. -l If the -l flag is passed The following sources are searched:
Check the environment variable NWN_ROOT
NWN EE Digital Deluxe Beta (Head Start)
NWN EE Beta (Head Start)
NWN EE Digital Deluxe
NWN Steam
I don't have NWN_ROOT listed in my environment variables, running env | grep comes up zilch (thank christ for mingw) and I can't find anything in the environment variables via explorer. Maybe it's because I installed via the Beamdog Client rather than Steam?
I've been passing in the install path into nwnsc when I've been using it. Still, I'll make the hak installer check for this thanks. Can I ask what's inside your NWN_ROOT just so I've got an idea of what *might* be there?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 704450
which has the only "InstallLocation" for the EE that I could find in my registry.