Using a Stylus?

I just had the thought that using a stylus with BG could be really beneficial. Aside from manipulating the smaller items in inventory, a stylus might make it easier to manage large battles when lots of spells are being cast, with lots of pausing and starting. Anyone use a stylus out there?
I've used mine for a bit of (bad) drawing, and tried a few note taking apps, not with very much success.
Hmmm maybe I'll look into getting a stylus, they aren't very expensive. My fingers do get cramped after playing a few games, or scrolling when reading.
As for cramps in your fingers, I'm wondering what games you guys are playing... :-)
Never had that problem myself, however, I've used a Targos Stand for the last two years, so it can rest comfortable on my lap with a choice of three different angles, only slightly supporting the iPad with one hand while reading/surfing/playing...
Man, I really need to get myself a tablet...
Games, if they're made properly for tablets is extremely easy to control with my fingers, the whole point of the tablet experience is the tactile touch you have with the app or game you're using. If you're using a stylus, it almost defeats the purpose in a way.
I remember, many moons ago, when I used a mouse for the first time, when windows 3.1 was released, (yes, i know, im old), and it wasn't like an extended hand as people told me it would be, it was very disorientating for the first hour.
It was a learning experience.
Not so with my iPad. When I got my iPad 1 three years ago, I instinctly knew how to use every app and control every game via touch or swipe.
Multitouch like pinching was like a revelation to me.
So, no, a stylus won't be any better for a game like BG:EE, at least not to me..
Very comfortable. I'm sure no issues with fingers but a stylus is nice for power-performance.
Waiting for the download to complete before getting stuck in...