- A new Server Listing for NWN, NWN:EE, and NWN2 - Neverwinter Nights Servers
There are still some improvements to be made especially on mobile devices, but I'd love to here any feedback (positive or negative).
Features for Players:
There are still some improvements to be made especially on mobile devices, but I'd love to here any feedback (positive or negative).
Features for Players:
- Neverwinter Nights, Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, and Neverwinter Nights 2 server listings all in one place!
- Responsive design so you can browse servers on your PC, Tablet, or Phone.
- Find the latest player counts and most popular times of the day to play.
- If you're looking for a new server, look in the menu for "Find Something New", select your preferred game and hit refresh until you find something that sparks your interests.
- Easily copy server addresses for use with Direct Connect.
- Share your opinions and recommendations with a per server comment section (powered by Disqus).
- Server name sanitization. (Removing leading zeros, spaces, and punctuation that some use to game server list ordering)
- Markdown support for 'ServerDesc.txt'
I'm however lacking some NWN1 servers. My own to start with
Edit: My bad, it seems to be there now
@superfly2000 I would ha handed edited your server in, glad it showed up. From a server hosts perspective how would you like a server listing to be better? What can be done to increase new player engagement, a general sense of the vibrancy of the game? What is it that you might like to communicate but can't given the current mechanisms available? Sorry I been doing a lot of online surveys because @niv refuses to hire me to bring him coffee.
@FreshLemonBun (nice name btw) how would that ideally work for you? A checkbox or visual cues (like private servers in red or some such?)
The motivation is that there's just no point in including games that aren't servers in a list for servers, and it hides a lot of the real servers with lower player totals that could use more visibility. Also if someone wants to quickly see the player spread between the old and new list it's pretty tedious to manually count all the co-op games and subtract them. The old server lists for NWN and NWN2 don't have this problem because of how the replacement is set up, so co-op is never shown.