How many chests in the OC(s) can only be opened by a rogue?

There's at least one chest in the OC that can only be opened by a rogue. I'm almost to that point and will have to bring Tomi Undergallows to have access to it. The knock spell, fireball, bash, etc. just don't work on this one. So my question is are there any other chests in the OC(s) that require an actual rogue to open?
Ps. In the OC only. Dont remember in SoU or HotU
Neverwinter Nights_ Enhanced Edition Lockpicking from nib on Vimeo.
Level 1 of Helm's Hold = hard cheast with traps and good loot
Don't worry, as it's the only one in the entire 3 campaign. Also, by that stage in the game you should have more than enough to get you past Helm's Hold, so you do not NEED to open it anyway,