Tweaks Anthology Max HP component - what does it actually change?

in BG:EE Mods
So every time I play through Baldur's Gate I usually use max HP for both my party and all creatures in the game. I've since realized that this probably just adds unnecessary tedium to the fights, as if both my party and the enemies had less HP it would amount to the same thing basically but with less hits for the fight to resolve. But what I want to know is, how many enemies are actually changed in HP, and by how much?
If the default game has most creatures already at max or close to max HP, then the component would not actually be making the game that much more difficult and max HP for party would be a serious advantage. If not, and the majority of enemies are getting significantly tougher, I might feel better about using max HP for party (or alternatively dropping it for random rolls).
That being said, how do people feel about max HP for players anyway? This will be the first time I am using SCS to make the game more difficult (without just boosting damage of monsters via difficulty level), and would like to not reload as much as possible (simply deal with failed spells and dead characters, etc, instead of reload). Would NOT using max HP just frustrate me to no end? Would it be too hard? Should I use the NWN style hp on level up instead maybe? What are the thoughts of people who have already done this?
If the default game has most creatures already at max or close to max HP, then the component would not actually be making the game that much more difficult and max HP for party would be a serious advantage. If not, and the majority of enemies are getting significantly tougher, I might feel better about using max HP for party (or alternatively dropping it for random rolls).
That being said, how do people feel about max HP for players anyway? This will be the first time I am using SCS to make the game more difficult (without just boosting damage of monsters via difficulty level), and would like to not reload as much as possible (simply deal with failed spells and dead characters, etc, instead of reload). Would NOT using max HP just frustrate me to no end? Would it be too hard? Should I use the NWN style hp on level up instead maybe? What are the thoughts of people who have already done this?