Am I the only one who took a few thief levels just to wield the evil paladin sword?

Am I the only one who took a few thief levels to wield the evil paladin sword?
BTW, Paladin/fighter/thief worked surprisingly well especially if you took knockdown. You got sneak attacks on knocked down targets. At first, I used this build because it let me get that sword, but later I found it meshed fairly well.
PS I have to wait 300 seconds before I can post this. Damn.
I use to get the sword without killing the elf girl because I'm a bit of a goody two shoes.
I would get 3 levels of thief, sink nearly all my skill points into use item, which is charisma base. Alignment is more of a hurdle than class. So even though I was playing a paladin, I still need a high use item because I was lawful good. Luckily, humans get extra skill points and I already had a good charisma because I'm a Paladin. Sometimes, I would bank skill points. If memory serves, you need like 18 points (not counting charisma bonus) to use the sword.
I would take feat disarm, start the fight with a 2-handed sword (gives bonus to disarm), sometimes, I'd start with knockdown/improved knockdown, follow it up with disarm/improved disarm. If I get the knockdown, I automatically get the disarm because the elf girl can't defend while on the floor. Once disarmed, I would walk over to her sword, grab it, equip it, and proceed to beat her with her own weapon; made easier by her attacking me unarmed. Since I always play a male, and get her ring, she always surrendered.
BTW, Paladin/fighter/thief worked surprisingly well especially if you took knockdown. You got sneak attacks on knocked down targets. At first, I used this build because it let me get that sword, but later I found it meshed fairly well.
PS I have to wait 300 seconds before I can post this. Damn.
I use to get the sword without killing the elf girl because I'm a bit of a goody two shoes.
I would get 3 levels of thief, sink nearly all my skill points into use item, which is charisma base. Alignment is more of a hurdle than class. So even though I was playing a paladin, I still need a high use item because I was lawful good. Luckily, humans get extra skill points and I already had a good charisma because I'm a Paladin. Sometimes, I would bank skill points. If memory serves, you need like 18 points (not counting charisma bonus) to use the sword.
I would take feat disarm, start the fight with a 2-handed sword (gives bonus to disarm), sometimes, I'd start with knockdown/improved knockdown, follow it up with disarm/improved disarm. If I get the knockdown, I automatically get the disarm because the elf girl can't defend while on the floor. Once disarmed, I would walk over to her sword, grab it, equip it, and proceed to beat her with her own weapon; made easier by her attacking me unarmed. Since I always play a male, and get her ring, she always surrendered.
Although in the case you stated above, perhaps Bard would have been a better fit - since it's Charisma based and also has UMD. Not sure on what your favored class is, mind, so beware of XP penalties when using 3 base classes like you have.