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Question on high level spell mechanics

I tried searching past posts and didn’t find anything and I apologize if this is answered somewhere else. Are there any plans to change the mechanics of some of the more useless higher level spells? Some I always wondered about were the Bigby’s line, disintegrate/flesh-to-stone destroying loot, that kind of thing. Obviously a question geared more towards a baldur’s gate 2 enhanced edition but I’m still curious.


  • RenulanRenulan Member Posts: 109
    Why shouldn't disintegrate/FTS destroy loot? I always thought the cool insta death was way worth losing the loot.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Renulan said:

    Why shouldn't disintegrate/FTS destroy loot? I always thought the cool insta death was way worth losing the loot.

    I think you may be in the minority there. For me any enemy powerful enought that I would want to try and quickly kill them with a save-or-die spell is an ememy powerful enough to possibly contain good loot that I wouldn't want to miss.
  • patbakerpatbaker Member Posts: 21
    im sure when bgee2 comes out next year they will get it all right
  • ManBearPigManBearPig Member Posts: 34
    For disintegrate specifically, it wasn't even the 'boss' issue for me. I found that if I wanted to use it I always had to look up if the 'regular' monsters carried some loot that I wanted prior to me fighting them. This was a pain and as a result I never really used disintegrate. Which was a shame as I liked the spell quite a bit.
    With the Bigby's line, the spells always looked very nice but were almost always pointless to use. The saves were just about always made and even if they weren't the result wasn't really worth the time or the spell slot.
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