Shaders - progress?

(I'm sorry if these things are general knowledge, been out of the loop for some time)
Has anybody made custom shaders yet for download?
Are we able to turn them on/off via script? I used to use NWshader, which was great, but had errors.
I'm looking for 2 things:
1. A shader that turns the screen to monochromatic (for security cam use, modern)
2. A shader that distorts the screen or aplies a red haze etc. (think cursed/infected etc.)
Thx, Pap
Has anybody made custom shaders yet for download?
Are we able to turn them on/off via script? I used to use NWshader, which was great, but had errors.
I'm looking for 2 things:
1. A shader that turns the screen to monochromatic (for security cam use, modern)
2. A shader that distorts the screen or aplies a red haze etc. (think cursed/infected etc.)
Thx, Pap