DM reminders on map

This is probably something common, but does anyone know how to put a placeable on the field that only the DM can see, like a flag, so i could read something i wrote down on its comments, like narrative stuff or some sort or reminder.
it would help a lot (i would love to know what i was thinking last night when i put a naked halfling called Johnsie in the middle of an orc camp, im sure it was hilarious at the time)
Edit: Just in case, im asking in the Nwn editor, sometimes i put down stuff while preparing an adventure and then forget why i put that there, or think of a nice narration for a place but then, when i get to play, i forget what i was going to narrate in that exact place, so DM notes would be amazing.
it would help a lot (i would love to know what i was thinking last night when i put a naked halfling called Johnsie in the middle of an orc camp, im sure it was hilarious at the time)
Edit: Just in case, im asking in the Nwn editor, sometimes i put down stuff while preparing an adventure and then forget why i put that there, or think of a nice narration for a place but then, when i get to play, i forget what i was going to narrate in that exact place, so DM notes would be amazing.
Post edited by NotsagTelperos on
Or do you mean something else?
The map pin idea is a good one too, but i think the trigger one would work better for me at least.
- Clone placeables.2da into your override folder and edit it
- Find a placeable appearance you want this to look like, for you (pick something that doesn't block movement)
- Clone that row into a new/free row, change the name so that you can identify it.
- In the toolset, make a custom placeable using this "new" appearance, edit its description or whatever, mark it useable
- Place it in the area
Because the players don't have this row in their version of placeables.2da, they will not see the model (it will be invisible and unusable to them), but you will see it. You can even extract the model/texture from some hak and use that so it totally stands out from the rest of the scene - maybe the new CEP waypoint models, that are typically invisible but can be made visible for this.The downside here is that if players know what you are doing, they can put their own placeables.2da in the override and see the same thing you see. But if this is a close group of friends, that shouldn't be an issue.
EDIT: If you're using haks that already modify placeables.2da, you'll need to put your version in the top hak instead of override