
I'm trying to limit some events to only affect members of a given party.
Lexicon shows party functions, more specifically faction functions, that might seem to do this.
(for example would the above code return the number of PCs in my personal group, or the number of PCs on the server?)
I'm wondering if GetFirstFactionMember and GetNextFactionMember would identify only PCs in a given party, or if it would return anyone of the Player class?
Lexicon shows party functions, more specifically faction functions, that might seem to do this.
// Return the number of players in the PC's party
// Does NOT include associates.
int GetNumberPartyMembers(object oPC)
int nNumber = 0;
object oPartyMem = GetFirstFactionMember(oPC, TRUE);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oPartyMem))
// * MODIFIED February 2003. Was an infinite loop before
oPartyMem = GetNextFactionMember(oPC, TRUE);
return nNumber;
(for example would the above code return the number of PCs in my personal group, or the number of PCs on the server?)
I'm wondering if GetFirstFactionMember and GetNextFactionMember would identify only PCs in a given party, or if it would return anyone of the Player class?