[Spoiler: BGII] Blocking Timestop

Right, in BG2 there's a...
What am I doing wrong? How do I block it from casting?
Lich hidden in a sarcophagus in the Crooked Crane Inn. EVERY TIME my party go to kill the thing casts timestop before they even get a shot off, which leaves them (us) screwed
What am I doing wrong? How do I block it from casting?
I got around it by lining some summoned monsters along one edge of the walkway to his tomb (making sure a character could pass freely), then initiated the encounter with a hasted character. As soon as the lich appears, I'd pause, then run the character back to the party, that I'd left in the top right corner of the map.
The Lich then wasted his meteors and mazes on skellies rather than me. After that I got into what is still a tough fight, but easier without the damage from the initial onslaught.
Been a while since I last had this fight so the details escape me at the moment, but I do remember it being a very hard fight. Hope this little helps.
Thank you for your tips, all. I think I may be been trying to take on too much to soon here.
If you are going to face a spell bombardment, your mages and clerics should have spells available which will make it more survivable. If you send in one or two buffed party members first, they can take the initial attack, then the rest can come in for offensive support.
You can't block timestop, but you can stop every attack the lich throws at you : Protect from magic weapon, from magic energy, spell immunity. These immunities last at least 3 rounds (i play with spell revisions) so a sorceror for example can be immune to anything the lich does (which by the way is the best class to face these creatures for me).
The other solution is to disrupt his casting, with wand of breach/pierce magic for example, if he's protected. Again it depends on the protection he's casting on himself (i played with scs2 wich makes him autocast lots of protective spells at the begining of the fight so i don't remember which spells it casts)
If you don't have that spell yet, you can probably just send in one character with invisibility potions instead.
A potion of magic protection or magic blocking will also be useful in such a fight, again sending in one party member first.
The cheapest way to deal with it would be to send in just one guy protected from undead. The lich should just stand there and do nothing, but I didn't test it
With SCS installed the protection from undead doesn't work particularly well - the lich still summons balors and the like to kill you.
Best method I found was protection from magic on one person while leaving the rest of the party outside. Then the lich really does stand around doing nothing, even with SCS installed.
Only downside is that there are only 2 protection from magic scrolls in the game (I used one for each demilich!).
and without 7th level arcane spells for destroying liches defence you can't do anything (scsii tactics)
just hit mage with something so he can not use his spell
for liches fast rubyray + breach sometimes work
but in unmoded game breach is not the best spell vs liches because liches are immune to spells level 5 and lower