Need a suggestion for a build

Hello, i was about to start over the game, and i wanted to make a Paladin/Blackguard/Something build.
Shoould i go with fighter as third class? Or maybe weaponmaster?
Moreover, would such a build be good, or terrible?
Thanks for the insights
Shoould i go with fighter as third class? Or maybe weaponmaster?
Moreover, would such a build be good, or terrible?
Thanks for the insights

So in my opinion:
SOTU + HOTU: Paladin 16 and the rest Blackguard. Unless you really want to make a Weapon Master in that case take feats during epic levels.
OC: Since your final level will most likely be between 16 and 17 during the end I say take levels of Paladin until you have two level one spell slots. Than you can probably go Blackguard for the rest.
I hope this helps.
I was planning to play all three games, to be honest...As of now, with my bard/red dragon disciple/blackguard i got to 17 at the end of oc, so i think i will get somewhere around 40 at the end of HotU...
Should end up having an high BAB, high saves, smite evil and smite good, divine power and shield.
Holy sword might not be that useful, considering that the weapon enchanter in HotU can beef your weapon to godly stats...
I mean, I guess you can if you want to, but do you really want to play a 16th level character in a first level game?