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Universal Additions?

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
Specifically, I'm wondering how I can make an *item* with the toolset and have the ability to spawn it into any module with the debug commands. I've tried exporting the Blueprint for Items. This apparently exports the UTI file as an ERF file into the ERF Folder. Not sure what to do next, I copied the file into the Override Folder. Then, in game, I opened the debug commands and typed dm_spawnitem (name). It says success, but doesn't actually spawn the item into the game. Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    You could try to put the raw uti file of the item into the override folder, and not the erf itself.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    edited April 2018
    @Sylvus_Moonbow: Thank you. I'm likely doing it wrong, but I picked up the NWN Explorer and tried to export the UTI file that way. So now I have ERF files in the ERF Folder and Override folder and an UTI file in the Override Folder, as well. In game, once I activate the debug commands, I type "dm_spawnitem godmode" (without the quotes and godmode is the TemplateResRef), get a Success message, but nothing spawns at the cursor. What am I doing wrong? I can try a capital G, I suppose, in Godmode, but shouldn't I be getting some kind of an error message if it isn't working?

    Edit: The capital G didn't work, either. I know that this was possible to do in NWN2, but I'd be *really* surprised if in this day of age that it isn't possible to do with NWN. In an "Enhanced" version, this should really be a pretty simple thing to do. I was rather hoping that I'd be able make any number of universal custom items to do this with, as a pretty large portion of custom modules have scripts that make importing items fairly tedious. Also, down the road as I get more experience, I was kind of hoping to make a few of my own henchmen to do the same thing with.
  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    edited April 2018
    There is no error using dm_spawnitem. It will always say success even if you use abc123.

    In testing I made an item in the toolset with a resref of testme. Saved the test module. Then copied the testme.uti file to the override directory. Loaded up a save game and went into debugmode and spawned the item.

    Make sure your uti file is in the right override directory. I put my testme.uti in My Documents/Neverwinter Nights/override
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