Seviss Isles PW server and module

The module itself is available at the Steam Workshop:
Seviss Isles
It is powered by the excellent Kadamait CHAINMAIL set of scripts. (with permission from the author)
This is a unique script system.
The “Seviss Isles” is a dynamic persistent virtual world that features a detailed campaign setting that a Dungeon Master (DM) or World Builder (WB) may use to develop adventures within and host 24/7 for community/friends or play on a periodic basis through saved games. This release requires the expansion packs; “Shadows of Undertide” and “Hordes of the Underdark”.
Unlike most Persistent World (PW) modules, Seviss Isles is meant to be played either as a single player or multiplayer game and is referred to as a Persistent Virtual World (PVW) due to its automated management of world resources. This is possible because of the Dynamic Object Management (DOM) programmed into the module; creating, adding, managing and removing objects depending upon player’s actions. There is no need to reload the PVW or requirements for DM clients to reinitialize area settings. However, it is recommended that the PVW is run on a separate server as a persistent multiplayer world with the occasional interaction of a DM in the world to provide additional adventure / RPG experiences.
The PVW is composed of more than 500 areas, each controlled by the DOM system. Within these areas Non Player Characters (NPC’s), containers / corpses, along with placeable objects are spawned into the PVW upon the area being activated by a PC entering that area’s bounds.
There are a lot of additional features that are included within the Seviss Isles PVW; to help introduce you to the world and its most-prominent features, a short list is provided below. Immediately following this list is a detailed explanation and its relationship to the PVW:
Sophisticated persistent world dynamic object management system
Placeable object spawnpoints creating / recreating destructible world objects
Lycanthrope and vampirism afflictions upon PCs who are killed by these creatures
Vampires that upon being killed search out an available coffin for regeneration
Liches that upon being killed return to their phylactery to regenerate
Lycanthrope creatures that may transform during battle
Transformations upon death possibly occurring for some hostile NPCs
Multiple henchpersons for hire at taverns, inns, and bars
Multiple soldiers that may be joined and commanded by an adventure party
Creature slaves that may be purchased from illicit Underdark slave merchants
Good dragon wyrmlings may be asked to join a party, if the party/PC is good-aligned
Helpful faeries that inform PCs of those creatures dwelling nearby
Recall portals to travel between areas, binding points, and party leaders
Recall Stones and Party Leader Recall Runes to help PCs travel between locations
DM Orbs for DMs joining the world, used to travel to the “Grand Master Plane”
DM dynamic control of the world’s characteristics and environment
Evil merchants for evil PCs or hostile locations which do not favor the merchant faction
Automatic reputation adjustment between selected faction members and PCs
Capture The Flag (CTF), Strategic orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
Capture The Flag (CTF), Action orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
Ship travel between servicing ports in the world
Gladiator competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
Druidic competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
Combat ranged competition chambers with different environmental settings
Mining profession for PCs within those mines that provide valuables
NPC spawnpoints to that spawn / respawn all NPCs into world
Random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
Spawned random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
Merchants that are both location-bound and wandering, offering individual pricing for PCs
The Fugue Plane for those PCs passing into the afterlife
Dynamic challenge rating scaling for spawned NPCs dependent upon PCs
Improved NPC AI routines for ambient and combative interactions
Interactive objects spawned within areas throughout the world
Most wanted list for PCs committing atrocities; rewarding those who dispatch them
Environmental effects for selected areas within the world
Bounty hunters that seek both good and evil aligned PCs for their past reputations
Support for those features found in XP1, “Shadows of Undertide” and XP2, “Hordes of the Underdark”
Creation of Constructs/Golems by magic users possessing the required experience and materials
Realm Repository containers that provide persistent personal storage for all PCs
Persistent reputational titles assigned to PCs, tracking their progress within the PVW
Persistent tracking of the total number of hit dice of creatures vanquished from within the realm for each PC within the PVW
Persistent tracking of the total number of henchpersons / soldiers lost during the PC’s campaign within the PVW
Enchanted forging of armor, weapons and items allowing a PC to create their own customized magically enhanced items for adventuring (Limited functionality in R4b)
Karl Adamait for one of the best script set in NWN.
Dave Guntner for running the server back in the days.
With permission from the authors this is the revised version R8c
This is also available online as a persistent server by DeviantShade
Server name DefiantShade module Seviss Isles. Server is set up for 30 players at the moment, once I can get a decent amount of players on, will see if I can open more slots. Running 24/7 on a VPS. Login at will
Seviss Isles
It is powered by the excellent Kadamait CHAINMAIL set of scripts. (with permission from the author)
This is a unique script system.
The “Seviss Isles” is a dynamic persistent virtual world that features a detailed campaign setting that a Dungeon Master (DM) or World Builder (WB) may use to develop adventures within and host 24/7 for community/friends or play on a periodic basis through saved games. This release requires the expansion packs; “Shadows of Undertide” and “Hordes of the Underdark”.
Unlike most Persistent World (PW) modules, Seviss Isles is meant to be played either as a single player or multiplayer game and is referred to as a Persistent Virtual World (PVW) due to its automated management of world resources. This is possible because of the Dynamic Object Management (DOM) programmed into the module; creating, adding, managing and removing objects depending upon player’s actions. There is no need to reload the PVW or requirements for DM clients to reinitialize area settings. However, it is recommended that the PVW is run on a separate server as a persistent multiplayer world with the occasional interaction of a DM in the world to provide additional adventure / RPG experiences.
The PVW is composed of more than 500 areas, each controlled by the DOM system. Within these areas Non Player Characters (NPC’s), containers / corpses, along with placeable objects are spawned into the PVW upon the area being activated by a PC entering that area’s bounds.
There are a lot of additional features that are included within the Seviss Isles PVW; to help introduce you to the world and its most-prominent features, a short list is provided below. Immediately following this list is a detailed explanation and its relationship to the PVW:
Sophisticated persistent world dynamic object management system
Placeable object spawnpoints creating / recreating destructible world objects
Lycanthrope and vampirism afflictions upon PCs who are killed by these creatures
Vampires that upon being killed search out an available coffin for regeneration
Liches that upon being killed return to their phylactery to regenerate
Lycanthrope creatures that may transform during battle
Transformations upon death possibly occurring for some hostile NPCs
Multiple henchpersons for hire at taverns, inns, and bars
Multiple soldiers that may be joined and commanded by an adventure party
Creature slaves that may be purchased from illicit Underdark slave merchants
Good dragon wyrmlings may be asked to join a party, if the party/PC is good-aligned
Helpful faeries that inform PCs of those creatures dwelling nearby
Recall portals to travel between areas, binding points, and party leaders
Recall Stones and Party Leader Recall Runes to help PCs travel between locations
DM Orbs for DMs joining the world, used to travel to the “Grand Master Plane”
DM dynamic control of the world’s characteristics and environment
Evil merchants for evil PCs or hostile locations which do not favor the merchant faction
Automatic reputation adjustment between selected faction members and PCs
Capture The Flag (CTF), Strategic orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
Capture The Flag (CTF), Action orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
Ship travel between servicing ports in the world
Gladiator competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
Druidic competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
Combat ranged competition chambers with different environmental settings
Mining profession for PCs within those mines that provide valuables
NPC spawnpoints to that spawn / respawn all NPCs into world
Random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
Spawned random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
Merchants that are both location-bound and wandering, offering individual pricing for PCs
The Fugue Plane for those PCs passing into the afterlife
Dynamic challenge rating scaling for spawned NPCs dependent upon PCs
Improved NPC AI routines for ambient and combative interactions
Interactive objects spawned within areas throughout the world
Most wanted list for PCs committing atrocities; rewarding those who dispatch them
Environmental effects for selected areas within the world
Bounty hunters that seek both good and evil aligned PCs for their past reputations
Support for those features found in XP1, “Shadows of Undertide” and XP2, “Hordes of the Underdark”
Creation of Constructs/Golems by magic users possessing the required experience and materials
Realm Repository containers that provide persistent personal storage for all PCs
Persistent reputational titles assigned to PCs, tracking their progress within the PVW
Persistent tracking of the total number of hit dice of creatures vanquished from within the realm for each PC within the PVW
Persistent tracking of the total number of henchpersons / soldiers lost during the PC’s campaign within the PVW
Enchanted forging of armor, weapons and items allowing a PC to create their own customized magically enhanced items for adventuring (Limited functionality in R4b)
Karl Adamait for one of the best script set in NWN.
Dave Guntner for running the server back in the days.
With permission from the authors this is the revised version R8c
This is also available online as a persistent server by DeviantShade
Server name DefiantShade module Seviss Isles. Server is set up for 30 players at the moment, once I can get a decent amount of players on, will see if I can open more slots. Running 24/7 on a VPS. Login at will
That said, there are plenty of other things going on in the game to keep a party of adventurers busy. I would love to have some "spur of the moment" DM led adventures and I would be willing to set up times for a more planned set of DM run quests.
MAY 5 @ 6:00PM -EST 10:00 PM GMT
Join in game , take a run through one or two start quests and meet new players. Server host will be on as DM_Shade.
While in game together, I would like to make plans for regular DM led expeditions across the Seviss Isles.
May 11th 2200 EDT (0200 GMT for any night owls about )
May 16th 1000 EDT (1400 GMT)
Hope to see you there !
Seviss Isles version 6 now online! Update includes:
-New loot system
-Variable merchant inventories, with random property items.
-New above ground areas and underwater areas
-Golems are working, no longer require soulstones to power.
-Updated xp system, xp rewards for exploring areas.
-CEP 2.2
-Soldiers and Henchmen replaced with new Henchman system.
-Updated look to random boss spawns, changes to most wanted list, pvp scripting.
Please note: All previous quests removed, Farmers bug quest is available in its original setup at this time. Many areas are not in this update, notably underdark, hell and dungeons. Will begin adding areas back soon, the encounter flags are setup a little different, will need to replace them with new set before the areas can be used.
Did you add the underwater areas?