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Remembering a classic

I remember when Baldur's Gate was first released and I opened the game box containing five cd-roms and the sense of anticipation I had as I was installing them one by one. My childhood was spent in the streets of East Harlem NYC so I never had the pleasure of playing a real Dungeons & Dragons game, but I knew it was out there and I had always wanted to play it since I am very much a fantasy role player at heart. Here was the next best thing and it was mine, all mine, purchased and paid for with my own hard-earned money. Playing it would be a ritual : I would close the door, draw the curtains, and turn the lights out as I prepared myself for a very, very long night. I remember my very first impressions of the game, marveling at the narrator's voice, beautiful graphics, amazing story and characters with their own personalities and voice-actors, immersive sound-track and sound-effects... everything added to the overall atmosphere and made me feel as if I was a part of this fantastic world where magic lives and adventure lay before me. I get chills down my spine when I remember the feeling I had playing this game, how it was such a welcome escape from real-life, how it was so well done and conceived that I have played it over and over and how today I am actually paying (and very happily I might add) to play this 15 year old game yet again. I am 39 years old now and my wife is about to bear me a son, and when he is ready I will set him down the same path I took 15 years ago and enjoy the game once again... through him.


  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    This is beautiful.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Thanks for sharing that, it was moving. Congratulations on your baby.
  • howtofightaraptorhowtofightaraptor Member Posts: 23
    This is what it's all about ladies and gentlemen.
  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208
    This made me a happy, happy man. Great stuff right there. Great stuff.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    I'm looking forward to long nights playing with my 15 month old baby girl in my lap...she likes to key-mash and I'm sure that it will get me killed a few times!
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I'm hanging out for having a kid so I can teach him/her/it (hey mustard jelly/human hybrids are a form of life too) the wonders of BG.
  • AnthonyPaulOAnthonyPaulO Member Posts: 7
    @CoryNewb : Let her keymash away! The bigger she is, the harder she'll hit! Aim for the keys Boo, aim for the keys!
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330

    @CoryNewb : Let her keymash away! The bigger she is, the harder she'll hit! Aim for the keys Boo, aim for the keys!

    "Squeek Squeek Squeek!"

  • AnthonyPaulOAnthonyPaulO Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2012
    Speaking of which, this is yet another fond memory and fine example of such awesome creativity... Minsc and his Boo and their memorable voice-acting/quotes. Whatever happened to this type of creativity and storytelling? This game was alive! It was so real you could feel it, taste it, breath it... everything else fails in comparison. I went on to Neverwinter Nights and thought it was good but it just never captured the same atmosphere or elicited the same feelings I had for Baldur's Gate. I suspect that the 3D engine might have contributed to it being a lesser version of BG.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Nice, OP! I didn't have quite as big an entry to BG, as I played for first time about ten years ago. My kids loved watching though, and I got a gift for my oldest (she's in college) - who is going to Gather Her Party with a half-elven Bard (we think).

    The adventure re-begins. CHARNAME shall rise...
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