Cost To Increase Reputation At Temples Out Of Control

Has anyone else seen page 17 of the new manual - 'Effects of Reputation and Alignment'? In the original game, increasing your reputation one point by donating at a temple cost between 100-500gp. It now costs up to 5000gp/point. What is going on here?
Here's to hoping it IS a typo.
Really, anyone who wants a 20 rep will get it quickly enough anyway. More than enough chances to raise your rep in BG.
In BGII it's much more expensive to boost Rep through donations.
Can you give me link to the manual? I can't find it...
@Kirkor The manuals should be in the same directory as the preloaded game. You can also download them here:
Now, you can't really put a price tag on a human life, but 3 years of work - even at a low to average salary, and not counting weekends, days off and the like - is a lot of money. So, the law might still be after you, and the parents won't forgive you, but giving that much money to a church will most likely make a big part of the parish like you. Of course, it's a discussion about a fantasy world, so you can always argue this way or that way, but it seems at least somewhat internally consistent.
Have a look at this, if you're interested:
If you put the average factory worker's yearly income at 50,000 $, that'd make 150,000 $ as a donation to a church in the above example. Quite a sum.
I guess that there is only one kind of money (gold) to simplify things.
Anyway, back to the topic, I think the new prices are better. You should realy earn your reputation the hard way (just like in RL). In Vanilla BG it was too easy. I could get 16 reputation in Friendly Arms Inn temple at the very beggining without any effort.
I had more than enough to go from sinner to saint 3 times over.
Is an evil party even viable now?
Assuming core rules or higher!
Steeper donation costs won't change the absurdity of making up for the massacre of men, women, children, law enforcement, etc. by throwing some coins in the donation bowl. It just makes working an evil party around the broken system that much more of a pointless pain in a game that already actively punishes an evil charname.
I haven't played an evil party yet, so I have no comment on the viability of such in BG:EE, but if what lindz suggests is true, its something that should be fixed. I'd rather see a complete overhaul of how BG treats reputation and alignment, but in lieu of that, making a reputation bump through donating reasonably priced is an acceptable patch on the problem.