Dialogue Box Size With/Without Portrait

in UI Modding
Id there a way in the UI.menu to make the dialogue boxes different sizes if there is a portrait or not? In other words can it be 600 px wide when there is no portrait for the NPC talking vs. 400 px wide when there is a portrait?
The easiest way to do what you want is probably to duplicate the dialog box code and show only the good one.
You can use this on the UI element for when there is a portrait:
enabled "worldNPCDialogPortrait ~= nil and worldNPCDialogPortrait ~= '' and worldNPCDialogPortrait ~= 'NONE'"
And this when there is none:
enabled "worldNPCDialogPortrait == nil or worldNPCDialogPortrait == '' or worldNPCDialogPortrait == 'NONE'"
What do I use to hide a label or button once NPC2 has joined? I tried messing around with the enabled "Infinity GetNumCharacters() > 1" string but can't get that to work. I want the element there if solo, but to "move" (disappear with a clone element in a new spot) once NPC2 joins.