Crusader Kings II let's plays
Just letting you all know about my Crusader Kings II let's plays:
1. Original let's play (all DLC up to Jade Dragon + mods):
2. Holy Fury continuation/reboot:
Apologies for the sub-par audio quality. Will get a proper microphone sometime in the future.
For now, you will have to suffer my voice recorded with a bunch of coconuts tied to a squirrel
1. Original let's play (all DLC up to Jade Dragon + mods):
2. Holy Fury continuation/reboot:
Apologies for the sub-par audio quality. Will get a proper microphone sometime in the future.
For now, you will have to suffer my voice recorded with a bunch of coconuts tied to a squirrel
Post edited by God on
I'd love to be one of them too, but making war is nigh on impossible! Anyone spent multiple hours on invading Teneriffa and still wanting to be let out of that misery?
Enjoy. A lot of Crusader Kings II bullshit happened during these playthroughs so far, and more is coming.
I will try to record 4 new episodes weekly from now on, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.