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Demogorgon in Watchers Keep dialogue is broken

CeleborneCeleborne Member Posts: 7
Hey guys, I'm having issues with the demogorgon's dialogue when first entering the lowest level of Watcher's Keep. Basically, after the initial two lines of text, the dialogue breaks. Speaking to the center of the room yields the same results. I've attempted to spawn both Demogor1 and Demogor2 with the command console, but neither have any effect past the aforementioned. Using the scroll that Odren gives the party does nothing. I've attached my save game (don't judge me :hushed: ... anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this issue? I've had experience with dialogue breaks in previous parts of the game, such as with the Cambion party at level 3, but found ways around it using local variables and such. Unfortunately, extensive googling yields no solutions in this manner.


  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    Somehow you are in Chapter 8 when the game expects you to be in Chapter 7. You are getting these dialog breaks because the game is trying to have one of your party members speak with the wrong dialog file (their ToB versions). This command will clear up the dialog breaks, but I have no idea if the game will progress correctly after applying this, as it might not increment your chapter from now on.
  • CeleborneCeleborne Member Posts: 7
    Bubb said:

    Somehow you are in Chapter 8 when the game expects you to be in Chapter 7.

    Thank you @Bubb! I'll report back with my findings.

    My suspicion is that this is occurring because I decided to start Watchers Keep just prior to battling Irenicus on the Seldarine. I'll finish SoA and see if I can continue with the Demogorgon.

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