Cormanthor - Forgotten Realms Roleplay PW

Cormanthor is a NWN:EE Roleplay PW set in the Dalelands & Cormanthor forest region of the Forgotten Realms (diverging from canon as of 1372, currently set in 1375). Cormanthor is a low magic setting with a collaborative storytelling ethos, aimed toward giving a grittier and more down to earth feel to FR.
We encourage players to be proactive and make an impact on the world, such as: founding their own guilds and knightly orders; restoring abandoned ranger stations, druidic groves, or lost elven watchtowers; and we also offer membership of canon organizations such as the Harpers or Zhentarim to PCs who display the qualities those groups are looking for.
Originally running from 2010 to 2012, Cormanthor relaunched in March 2018. We believe in continuous active development; we're always improving the module and adding more content for players to discover and enjoy. You'll find regular patch notes on the forum letting players know what the build team have been been getting up to.
We operate an active discord, forum, and wiki. You can find them all, along with more information at our website below. Feel free to make a post or join our Discord if you have any questions!
Direct connect:
Required files are available to subscribe to on Steam here:
Alternatively, you can find manual download links here:,25.0.html
We look forward to adventuring with you!

@Merago_Jert was great to have you join us
Same goes for anyone else, we're a welcoming community and love to show new folks what we're about. Happy to answer any questions here, on our forum, or in our Discord
The server Cormanthor (NWN 1/EE) has gone through some exciting changes and updates with new content!
This is heavy on the roleplay and light in humour. In these times - we need humour...
You start at level 3, but with player/DM support, it does not take long to level up to the mid levels.
Lots of Dungeons to explore, rich design, and an ongoing player support base.
Did I mention humour?
This is a really fun server. Even the NPC's have a joke or two.
There is a spring festival coming soon at Aencars Keep in celebration of Mystra and the Weave.
There will be Archery challenges, Jousting tournaments, with magicians and clowns!
I would urge all to avoid the fortune teller though. Just saying - Things never work out.
Please see the Cormanthor Forum/Discord Page for more info. There is a wiki that helps newcomers.
So far, it seems times that we have most players is 7am/4pm/10pm (eastern time zone)
We have players in USA, Canada, and UK.
Hope to see y'all log in and play. Join discord to post times you like to play.
Cormanthor is a NWN:EE Roleplay PW set in the Dalelands & Cormanthor forest region of the Forgotten Realms (diverging from canon as of 1372, currently set in 1375). Cormanthor is a low magic setting with a collaborative storytelling ethos, aimed toward giving a grittier and more down to earth feel to FR.
We encourage players to be proactive and make an impact on the world, such as: founding their own guilds and knightly orders; restoring abandoned ranger stations, druidic groves, or lost elven watchtowers; and we also offer membership of canon organizations such as the Harpers or Zhentarim to PCs who display the qualities those groups are looking for.
Originally running from 2010 to 2012, Cormanthor relaunched in March 2018. We believe in continuous active development; we're always improving the module and adding more content for players to discover and enjoy. You'll find regular patch notes on the forum letting players know what the build team have been been getting up to.
We operate an active discord, forum, and wiki. You can find them all, along with more information at our website below. Feel free to make a post or join our Discord if you have any questions!
Direct connect:
Required files are available to subscribe to on Steam here:
Alternatively, you can find manual download links here:,25.0.html