Darts and other thrown weapons gaining STR bonus to damage.

Will darts and daggers gain str bonus to damage when thrown? If not this should be fixed as on page 20 of my 2nd edition players hand book it states that "the damage adjustment also applies to missile weapons, although bows must be specially made to gain the bonus; crossbows never benefit from the users strength." If the bonus applies to thrown axes, it should also apply to daggers and darts.
Also, how will Chromatic orb work?
As per the original manual:
Chromatic Orb (Evocation)
Range: Sight of caster Area of Effect: 1 creature
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Casting Time: 1
This spell creates a 4-inch-diameter sphere that can be hurled
unerringly to its target. The orb’s effect depends on the level of the
wizard: A 1st-level sphere inflicts 1-4 damage and blinds the target for one
round. A 2nd-level sphere inflicts 1-6 damage and inflicts pain upon the
victim. A 3rd-level sphere deals 1-8 damage and burns the victim. A 4thlevel
sphere deals 1-10 damage and blinds the target for four turns. A 5th
to 6th-level sphere deals 1-12 damage and stuns the target for three rounds.
The 7th to 9th-level sphere deals 2-16 damage and paralyzes the victim for
13 rounds. A 10th to 11th level sphere turns the target to stone if they fail
their saving throw, and slows them for five rounds if they succeed. A 12th
level sphere causes death if the target fails their saving throw, or paralysis for
four rounds if they succeed. Unless stated otherwise in the above description,
a save against this spell negates both the damage and the other effects.
Will at 10th level chromatic orb petrify? If so hello Avenger Druid!
Also, how will Chromatic orb work?
As per the original manual:
Chromatic Orb (Evocation)
Range: Sight of caster Area of Effect: 1 creature
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Casting Time: 1
This spell creates a 4-inch-diameter sphere that can be hurled
unerringly to its target. The orb’s effect depends on the level of the
wizard: A 1st-level sphere inflicts 1-4 damage and blinds the target for one
round. A 2nd-level sphere inflicts 1-6 damage and inflicts pain upon the
victim. A 3rd-level sphere deals 1-8 damage and burns the victim. A 4thlevel
sphere deals 1-10 damage and blinds the target for four turns. A 5th
to 6th-level sphere deals 1-12 damage and stuns the target for three rounds.
The 7th to 9th-level sphere deals 2-16 damage and paralyzes the victim for
13 rounds. A 10th to 11th level sphere turns the target to stone if they fail
their saving throw, and slows them for five rounds if they succeed. A 12th
level sphere causes death if the target fails their saving throw, or paralysis for
four rounds if they succeed. Unless stated otherwise in the above description,
a save against this spell negates both the damage and the other effects.
Will at 10th level chromatic orb petrify? If so hello Avenger Druid!
2. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/6819/errors-and-inconsistencies-in-the-current-manual/p1
Your second point on the chromatic orb has previously been noticed. Chromatic Orb will petrify at level ten for avengers and bards.
In my list I did not include the 12th level as something that needed to be fixed, because you can't reach it in BGEE without modding the experience cap.
The axe was never a problem as it only had a base of one ranged attack per round, so it was fairly balanced with bows and crossbow's that gained an extra attack at the expense of str bonus. Yes, you could have a non magical bow made that applied str bonus, but it didn't gain any magical bonus, given enough time you could get a magical one, but that took an obscene amount of dedication to get and still didn't increase damage, only the to hit roll.
This is one of the reason's I have always preferred 3.5, it got rid of all this nonsense and any weapon could be used effectively if you built your character to do so.
The Chromatic Orb spell description in the manual is also not quite accurate. The description in the game itself will be up to date.
I did however confirm that while shorty saves are great, firebeads horror with a character that can't get that potion upstairs (due to lack of bash strength) is still really f***ing annoying
Adding a str bonus to darts and daggers wouldn't make them a viable alternative to bows and crossbows, it would make bows and crossbows completely worthless, you would not only have more attacks then the bow and crossbow, but you would do obscenely more damage per hit as well.
Edit: there are a few but not many. Poisoned throwing daggers you get early on in SoA, but otherwise there is just the boomerang dagger (bridge district) until late SoA. I'm not aware of any in BG1 however.
If anything, its bows that are OP in BG1, but in BG2 they were excessively over-nerfed, so I wouldn't want that either.
Looks like I was right at least for BG1 (though the one axe in BG1 might be the returning axe which I did not test). Guess they changed it for BG2 for the most part.
Don't know why would it not run though. The basic is that you need Java installed.
I'd probably be less p*ssed that Axes have been nerfed if bows weren't so overly nerfed in BG2, perhaps this is something that could be looked into for BG2EE?
Edit: And no, you can't do this from a .2DA, you need to edit each item individually.