Destroy Inventory along with Creature

What's the best way to clear a creature's inventory along with the following script?
I've tried a few different things, but keep getting the too many instructions error.
object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTarget);
while (oObject != OBJECT_INVALID)
if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE)
oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oTarget);
I've tried a few different things, but keep getting the too many instructions error.
Post edited by IronActual on
object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTarget); while (oObject != OBJECT_INVALID) { if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) { object oGear = GetFirstItemInInventory(oObject); while (oGear != OBJECT_INVALID) { DestroyObject(oGear); oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oObject); } DestroyObject(oObject); oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oTarget); } }
Defined object oArea at the start of the script is such a way as to be able to assign the script to a placeable OnClick event to make testing easy.
Moved the declaration of object oGear outside of the while loop as it is generally better coding practice to to not repeatedly re-declare an object as you loop.
Moved your line oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oArea); outside of the conditional (this was causing your tmi error).
Re-structured the code for readability (to each their own, or perhaps your formatting was lost in the posting process).
void main(){ object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF); object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oArea); object oGear; while (oObject != OBJECT_INVALID) { if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE){ oGear = GetFirstItemInInventory(oObject); while (oGear != OBJECT_INVALID){ DestroyObject(oGear); oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oObject); } DestroyObject(oObject); } oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oArea); } }
This will delete all objects in creature inventories in an area (including PCs and DMs etc). I assume you already have that covered. HTHs.
void DestroyAllEquipment(object oTarget) { int nSlot; object oGear; int iO_Type =GetObjectType(oTarget); if(iO_Type==OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) { for (nSlot = 0; nSlot <= NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; nSlot++) { // if(nSlot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST)nSlot++; if (nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_B && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_L && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R) { oGear = GetItemInSlot(nSlot, oTarget); if (GetIsObjectValid(oGear) && !GetPlotFlag(oGear) && !GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { DestroyObject(oGear); } } } } // Removing Target's inventory. oGear = GetFirstItemInInventory(oTarget); while (GetIsObjectValid(oGear)) { if(!GetPlotFlag(oGear) && !GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { DestroyObject(oGear); oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oTarget); } if(GetPlotFlag(oGear) || GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oTarget); } } } void DestroyAllCreaturesInArea(string sArea) { object oTargetA = GetObjectByTag(sArea); object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTargetA); while(GetIsObjectValid(oObject)) { int oO_Type =GetObjectType(oObject); int iPC= GetIsPC(oObject); if(oO_Type ==OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE && !iPC) { AssignCommand(oObject,DestroyAllEquipment(oObject)); AssignCommand(oObject,SetIsDestroyable(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)); DestroyObject(oObject); } oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oTargetA); } } void main() { DestroyAllCreaturesInArea("Start"); }
Here's the original script, maybe seeing all of it will help solve the problem.
Creatures won't have plot items, or cursed items and I don't need to worry about creature items.
The only items the creatures will have on them, that need to be destroyed along with the creature itself, are melee weapons, ranged weapons, shields and chest armor.
In addition to destroying the creatures (and hopefully their items with some help), I'm also destroying any items left on the ground and also traps (triggers) that I spawn from another script.
void main() { object oTarget = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF); object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTarget); while (oObject != OBJECT_INVALID) { if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) DestroyObject(oObject); oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oTarget); } object oTrap = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTarget); while (oTrap != OBJECT_INVALID) { if (GetObjectType(oTrap) == OBJECT_TYPE_TRIGGER) DestroyObject(oTrap); oTrap = GetNextObjectInArea(oTarget); } object oItem = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTarget); while (oItem != OBJECT_INVALID) { if (GetObjectType(oItem) == OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM) DestroyObject(oItem); oItem = GetNextObjectInArea(oTarget); } }
void DestroyAllEquipment(object oTarget) { int nSlot; object oGear; int iO_Type =GetObjectType(oTarget); if(iO_Type==OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) { for (nSlot = 0; nSlot <= NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; nSlot++) { // if(nSlot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST)nSlot++; if (nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_B && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_L && nSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R) { oGear = GetItemInSlot(nSlot, oTarget); if (GetIsObjectValid(oGear) && !GetPlotFlag(oGear) && !GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { DestroyObject(oGear); } } } } // Removing Target's inventory. oGear = GetFirstItemInInventory(oTarget); while (GetIsObjectValid(oGear)) { if(!GetPlotFlag(oGear) && !GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { DestroyObject(oGear); oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oTarget); } if(GetPlotFlag(oGear) || GetItemCursedFlag(oGear)) { oGear = GetNextItemInInventory(oTarget); } } } //Destroy all object type and equipment on target and if DestroyTrap = 1 then destroy the trap on object void DestroyAllObjectsTypesInArea(string sArea, int ObjectType, int DestroyTrap) { object oTargetA = GetObjectByTag(sArea); object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oTargetA); while(GetIsObjectValid(oObject)) { int oO_Type =GetObjectType(oObject); int iPC= GetIsPC(oObject); int iTrapD; int iTrapped =GetIsTrapped(oObject); if(DestroyTrap && iTrapped)iTrapD=1; if(oO_Type ==ObjectType && !iPC && !iTrapD) { AssignCommand(oObject,DestroyAllEquipment(oObject)); AssignCommand(oObject,SetIsDestroyable(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)); DestroyObject(oObject); } if(oO_Type ==ObjectType && !iPC && iTrapD) { SetTrapDisabled(oObject); } oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oTargetA); } } void main() { //Destroy all triggers with traps DestroyAllObjectsTypesInArea("Area001",OBJECT_TYPE_TRIGGER,1); //destroy all traps on placables DestroyAllObjectsTypesInArea("Area001",OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE,1); //destroys all placables and their content DestroyAllObjectsTypesInArea("Area001",OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE,0); //destroy all items DestroyAllObjectsTypesInArea("Area001",OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM,0); }