Attention : to those who despise rolling for good stats.

What's the problem with doing many rolls until you have some good stats ?
I do not use ctrl+8 in BG2 because that's cheating, I just keep rolling until I have the most appropriate stats for my character.
Why willingly having good stats ?
Because this is a computer game, not a pnp game, where you DM - if he wants you to play for a longer time and do not cause frustration - will adapt the encounters to the strengths and weaknesses of your party.
For instance, in BG2, Mind Flayers can eat your intelligence 5 by 5.
You'd better at least have 11 intelligence if you want to survive two hits.
In BG, encounters are fixed and cannot be changed.
There are mods to increase difficulty.
You are free to use average stats for your characters.
Hey guys, why don't you cut yourself one arm and try to swim ?
And wait, cut both arms.
Why not adding sharks in the water ? (with both of your arms bleeding you'd better swim quickly before the catch you).
This should be harder that way... And so fun ;-)
E.g. A fighter with low strength can be fun trying to juggle your equipment weight & weapon choices.
Why only ever play with a fighter that has 18/00 strength, where is fun in that?
I always have the most fun with random stats, it would be awesome if BG had a random character gen.
...Also some of us like me will get OCD & quite literally re-roll different characters for hours if we allow ourselves
So if anyone want a flawed character with a low status or just want to adapt their status to roleplay, just don't roll again or just don't use all the points from your roll. While people that want flawed characters can already get what they want, if the system change, people that want to reroll will lost this right. So, does that sound fair to anyone?
Why is this an OCD ? You just want to take the best part of the system.
You have an OCD, but I don't.
And I do not need 18/00 in strength, as specified before.
I suggest that you play Icewind Dale, which focuses HEAVILY on combats over dialogues and characters interaction, with your characters with 9/9/9/9/9/9 .
You'll surely have a lot of fun.
When your warriors won't be able to repel the waves of enemies (crappy ac, crappy strength, crappy con).
When your caster will fail to memorize spells.
When you clerics don't have many spell slots per level.
It's because it focuses on combat.
Try Planescape Torment, this is a computer game in which most of the situations can be resolved by speaking (and therefore having the best stats is pointless).
I feel it's almost pointless for me to try to persuade someone to not like something that they clearly do like, or not do something that feels necessary or important to them.
I can understand why a player could get satisfaction from rolling until they get a great build, and having that feel "legit." And I can also see how a player can enjoy taking the best of ten rolls, and enjoy the challenge of working with what the dice yielded.
"It's your world..."
The beauty of BG is that both playstyles can be catered for.
The game gives you a random roll rather than maximum from the off because that's the system it's based on.
As @Lemernis stated before, the best solution is to let people playing the way they want, because that's the way they want to play it.
Some people wants to roll as much as they want.
Other don't like rolling, but they don't have to despise other people for rolling and rolling again.
Leave Britney aloooooone ... ;-)
Anyway, I don't know people who are anti-unlimited rerolling who are so militant about it they hate people who choose to meta-game by re-rolling til their guy is awesome.
So, my suggestions? Let's not go criticize people who choose NOT to play that way.
Apart from that, I really don't care if that's how you play your games, although I think it's a little absurd to compare the act of not rolling for hours until stats are perfect to cutting off both of your arms and jumping into shark-infested waters...
I like limiting my number of rolls, you clearly don't, why do you assume that my way can't be fun?
I'm sure that you enjoy your way of doing it, although I would recommend trying limited rolls sometime just to see whether or not you really like the game less that way (the same goes for limited saves, sleeping, etc.), not because I think that the way I play is the only way to play, but rather because I've tried a lot of different ways and I've found limiting some of these things to really improve the game for me, so recommending them to others is just in hopes that they might enjoy it too.
I just said, I don't like people that advocate their way of playing as above all other way.
You play the way you want, let other play the way they want.
And my final example was voluntary absurd to show that people don't want to impede themselves blindly.
EDIT : In BG1, there is no ctrl+8. You indeed have to roll until you have the scores you want. Most of my characters came from BG1, where I had no opportunities to ctrl+8.
If you want to play with the first stats that you roll, do it.
If you want to re-roll to your hearts content, do it.
If you want to just CTRL+8 them, do it.
Yesterday I wanted to see the best I could roll for a Druid and I was only satisfied after I got 16, 18, 18, 10, 18, 15.
I can see them quickly becoming 6 or 7 though
Also CTRL-8 gives you illegal 18/00 strength on non fighters, which is no fun.