Dual Classing Limits

Does BG:EE still have the dual-classing limit that you can only dual class into one of the class combinations allowed on the multi-class list? No ranger/druids for example?
It is likely whatever limits BG2 uses as it's the same engine.
Icewind Dale 2 is the only Infinity Engine game that allows 3rd Edition-style multiclassing, where nearly any combination is possible.
'Stalkers and Archers Are Not Allowed to Dual-Class
In Throne of Bhaal, BioWare altered Stalkers and Archers to not be able to dual-class. As ToB reflects the most recent developer intent, ToB changes are generally rolled back to SoA games, so Stalkers and Archers are altered to be unable to dual-class in SoA-only games as well. There is an Optional But Cool component to allow them to dual-class in both SoA and ToB games. '
I think I could see why they did it for Stalkers, but a Sling (Darts?) using Archer/Cleric doesn't seem that impressive to warrant the exclusion.
Its not really impressive, but it just makes a slightly stronger backline slinger cleric plus druid spells.
A stalker / cleric would gain backstabs, higher stealth and haste, but can only backstab with clubs / staffs. As appealing as it may seem to some people, its still nothing close to a Kensai dualed to a thief or mage, its just an extra fun class combination to try out.
Both these builds would really only viable in BG2 because BG1 doesnt have much XP available to dual at level 7-9, but you could still dump the EXP difference between 161,000 and level 8 cleric into a ranger kit, and then dual to a cleric in BG1 if you want to.
Actually, I just looked into this a little more, and archer hit bonuses do apply to darts. With BG1's level cap you can make a level 6 ranger kit and dual and still have enough EXP available to reach level 8 cleric. Level 6 would get an archer +2 hit and damage bonuses with slings + darts, -1 thaco penalty to the opponent, and 1 use of called shot.
In BG1 a 6 Archer dualed to a cleric would be a lot more useful.
The only Mage spells they get are the Stalker specific spells.