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We know BG:EE was at least thought about by Sony for the PSN store but was ditched due to the cost involved with converting it to a point and click to a console control method.

There is a very cheap tablet and stylus for the PS3, I won't if there is any mileage it using something similar for a BGEE port?


  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    Why would anyone make a BGEE port for the PS3? You're saying that the game would be playable with this optional accessory set? An accessory that probably costs more than the game itself? (I say probably because I can't get the link to load).

    The very concept is making my head hurt...
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Sony approached Beamdog regarding a PSN port being created. The logistics and cost of converting the control method over to a point and click variant proved to be too costly though and the idea was dropped.

    The tablet I linked to is less than £10. I doubt it will ever be a reality but does present other options to similar proposals. In hindsight it still wouldn't work too well unless you could determine where you were actually clicking on screen without actually clicking but nevermind.

    Before you come out guns blazing in future it may be worth checking all your facts first.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    If you thought I had guns blazing well...

    Mostly I was shocked at Sony, not you. The PS3 is by far the hardest modern console to code for and would require a staff and budget far beyond the scope of this project. The fact that it would require additional hardware on top of that compounds the silliness.

    I could go on a rant about Sony coporate decisionmaking here, but don't want to ramble.

    I apologize if my first post offended. No hard feelings.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    If you thought I had guns blazing well...

    Mostly I was shocked at Sony, not you. The PS3 is by far the hardest modern console to code for and would require a staff and budget far beyond the scope of this project. The fact that it would require additional hardware on top of that compounds the silliness.

    I could go on a rant about Sony coporate decisionmaking here, but don't want to ramble.

    I apologize if my first post offended. No hard feelings.

    No worries, I was just about to edit my comment as I overreacted. So apologies there.

    I admit I know nothing about the coding required for PSN, from Trents interviews it seems the transition from mouse to controller based input was the biggest hang up. My suggestion of a very cheap bluetooth tablet was just a finger in the air workaround.

    I only know the tablet exists because I just bought one for my kids. The art package it comes with is basic enough for them grasp whilst being able to also have fun with on the big TV :)

  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    How about BG:DA 1 and 2 on the PSN? That would be a less complicated. Wonder what Sony's position is on that?
  • FateAscendsFateAscends Member Posts: 63
    Not to sound like a fanboy, but I'd want to see it on the XBL:A before the PSN... I just prefer Microsoft and its... network security :P
  • IcallhimlecobraIcallhimlecobra Member Posts: 59
    Seriously though BGEE would simply be inferior on a console due to the limitations of a gamepad. Your better of playing on a PC/laptop or a tablet.

    The hardware requirements are so low for the game, pretty much anyone who owns any of the above platforms will be able to play it (I'm assuming most people who own a console also own a PC or tablet of some sort).
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