Removing damage immunity itemproperties from skin bugged?

I think I stumbled on this in past but forgot. Now I ran into this issue again when working on PRC Lite.
Basically, after removing itemproperty Damage Immunity Electric or Fire 100% the itemproperty stayed active despite not being on item anymore. This is worse in that the effect permanent, doesn't go away with resting, dying, destroyal of the skin item and the effect cannot be retrieved by GetFirst/NextEffect. Only restart/reload helped.
Is anyone else aware of this? Worth to report BD to fix?
Basically, after removing itemproperty Damage Immunity Electric or Fire 100% the itemproperty stayed active despite not being on item anymore. This is worse in that the effect permanent, doesn't go away with resting, dying, destroyal of the skin item and the effect cannot be retrieved by GetFirst/NextEffect. Only restart/reload helped.
Is anyone else aware of this? Worth to report BD to fix?
well done BD
In NWN:EE we're now storing the actual property a effect came from (server/module-unique incrementing ID), and thus there's no problem matching up effects to their originating itemproperties. Any and all "wrong/no effect removed" issues should have gone away. If not, please report it as a bug.