"cyborgs" in d&d

Why dont evil power-hungry warriors have armor grafted into their bodies or have their skeletons transmuted into some indestructable metal (or is that too wolverinesque)? Since with magic it should be more logical to be able to pull off than with real-world science... goddamn, a terminator blackguard!
This is something I've always wanted to have in RPGs - metal-flesh-fusions shouldnt be sci-fi exclusive !
This is something I've always wanted to have in RPGs - metal-flesh-fusions shouldnt be sci-fi exclusive !
No, that train of thought has no happy endings... none.
- So metal weapons destroys easily. Why not make castle walls and weapons out of pure magic
- Well, you are right, but if someone casts strong dispell magic, you are left with no defence...
So, such half-golem would have strong weakness - magic.
I love HP Lovecraft, his stories in my opinion are the apex of unspeakable alien horror, but I intended to bring into question something more straightforward, awe-inspiring hulks of metal that are basically more machinations than men. the Warhammer reference is spot on but I do not wish to mix minions of the chaos gods in d&d.
Now I would be happy with more armor similiar to the iron golem exoskeleton (the pantaloons quest) in BG series, that you wouldn't be able to remove but instead could upgrade with all kinds of parts at the local smithy.
Also, whos to say Irenicus initial plan wasnt to eventually insert that abomination into a golem frame?
But yeah, damn those Shadow Thieves and their slight delays.
(If you enjoy it, dont forget to check out part 2 & 3 aswell)
"In the darkness there flashed before my mind fragments of my cherished treasure of daemoniac lore; sentences from Alhazred the mad Arab, paragraphs from the apocryphal nightmares of Damascius, and infamous lines from the delirious Image de Monde of Gauthier de Metz."
I mean SHIIIIIIEET. This is pure gold.
They would often-times infuse metal and cartilage together to further bolster their ability in combat.
V:TM is part of the World of Darkness, a very popular PnP setting for the more...macabre.
Mage: *casts lightning bolt*
Witnesses: What the heck was that?
Mage: *head explodes from paradox*
Technocrat: *uses lightning gun* (same in-game effect as the mage)
Witnesses: What the heck was that?
Technocrat: Oh this? It's the newest model.
@Ascerion But Vicissitude wasn't a discipline. It was a disease. Seriously. If you drank Tzimisce blood, you could develop the ability- even if you never drank any blood again. The Old Blood Tzimisce didn't have that "power/discipline". I believe they had Dominate instead.