What a waste of time

So would appear player numbers have already peaked and started dropping off , in these days of social media aka free advertising im astonished too see youve made no form of campaign to push this game. dissapointed.
The lower consistent playerbase over time has been quite stable after the second week past launch, and has been declining very slowly since then but it doesn't seem to be advertisement related. For example about half the PW community seems to remain with the 1.69 version of the game despite knowing that Beamdog released NWN EE.
Lots of time.
I also don't really see servers transferring to NWN EE if they make extensive use of features like those made possible with NWNCX or if they have NWNX issues with NWN EE that can't be quickly resolved. So NWN EE still has a lot of catching up to do and will have more options and community expertise once all the old servers do transfer over.
I don't think sales or other e-store releases will have much of a lasting impact on the consistent daily player base, I expect they'll be spikes on a graph that represents a year. Likewise I don't think new persistent worlds will have much impact on overall totals either based on what is currently capable with this version at this point in time.
The only reason it would be necessary right now is if the server you play on has transferred to NWN EE. Otherwise you need both copies of the game to access all servers.
Game improvements: Benefits to every module, every PW.
Toolset improvements: Only seen if a builder uses them, and then only will benefit that specific module.
There are a lot of HD/Remake/Enhanced Editions out there which come with far less content and enhancements for far more than $20.
And releasing the game on Steam has allowed Beamdog to bring in more staff who can work on things like improving the textures and models. Artists and programmers to work on new and improved DLC/New Content as well as a diversity of skillsets who can work on issues and suggestions on the trello roadmap which otherwise would have been outside the reach of the original team.
Because more money. More features. Faster development.
While it would be nice to see MP suddenly flush with new people and new servers I think Beamdog are playing the long game.
As predicted the sale and the DoD release already seem to be having their effect but I think these things tend to be like scooping up a lot of water with your hands. Most of it will leak out. So while the strategy does increase revenue it doesn't necessarily build large amounts of sustained interest.
That is instead of having an increased concurrent player peak of 500 more ppl when there's a sale or content release you could have 500 extra all the time plus 500 more when there's a sale or content release. Of course the amount of interest generated most likely interacts with expected sales, with more expected sales the higher the perceived interest / active population. I imagine it works similar to needing money to invest money to make money.
I still play like I have always played. But not online.
There is really too much module content out there
Beamdog, please continue with your job.
Beamdog, I know you are busy with a lot of more important things but what do you think to create a nice and new Premium module? Check my module Amnesia Chapter 1 on neverwinter vault. I can help you guys to create a new premium module, I am good with toolset.