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A couple of questions (New adventure + pre-order special?)

Hi, looking very much forward to BG:EE release as a long time fan.

Just dropped by with a couple of questions.

1: In the email Trent sent regarding the delay, he wrote:

"To all who have pre-ordered, we ask for your patience as we move toward our final release date.We will be working on something a little extra for you."

What can we be expecting?

2: It was said that there would be two new adventures: the black pits, and some other adventure. Now, in the screenshots, there's a menu button that says "Play Black Pits" (a bit disappointed that it isn't an adventure within the game that we can play with our regular characters, but a standalone adventure). But is the other adventure a lie? I can't see it anywhere in the feature lists anywhere as a sales-feature.

3: I couldn't help but notice in the screenshot of the main menu, there does not seem to be any "options" button. Please confirm - will we have no "settings" of any kind? Or am I just going blind? xD

Thanks in advance!


  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2012
    1. The extra stuff is for all not just people who preordered and it will be post ship (confirmed!) its because with the delay they got more time to make something little extra for us alot of people misunderstood his "will get something extra" as people getting something special for preordering before x date! but thats not the case.

    2. There is 2 new adventures (well if you count The Black pits in) + 3 new companion "quest" adventures logical enough.. there will come other adventures post ship!

    3. I am pretty sure there will be an option button :D
  • ThaudalThaudal Member Posts: 37
    A lot of people misunderstood that sentence? What is there to misunderstand? It says, directly, word for word, that "we will be working on something a little extra for you" [in a phrase specifically adressing "all who have pre-ordered"].
    There is nothing to misunderstand. Also, where do has this been confirmed, and what is something extra?

    I am aware of the new NPCs and post-ship adventures. I just don't see the 2nd adventure mentioned anywhere anymore. It would be nice with some official information on this.

    I hope there will be - but the screenshot seems to beg to differ, and since they're already pre-loading (downloaded the game myself), it seems that it is not subject to change. But please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The "Adventure Y" you're describing hasn't been finished yet, and will likely be released post-ship.

    The "something extra" will be two things, but nothing has been announced as to what those two things might be. (this is separate from the Adventure Y mentioned above)

    And yes, there is an options menu. There are even a few new options to work with.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Thaudal said:

    3: I couldn't help but notice in the screenshot of the main menu, there does not seem to be any "options" button. Please confirm - will we have no "settings" of any kind? Or am I just going blind? xD

    From the main menu you click "Baldur's Gate" and then you will see the Options button.
  • ThaudalThaudal Member Posts: 37
    @Aosaw and @LordsDarkKnight185

    That sounds lovely, all of it. I do follow Trent Oster's twitter, but maybe I've overlooked the info you've just provided. Can you confirm this with a source? Not that I don't trust you, it's just always nice to see the official words. :p
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Thaudal said:

    @Aosaw and @LordsDarkKnight185

    That sounds lovely, all of it. I do follow Trent Oster's twitter, but maybe I've overlooked the info you've just provided. Can you confirm this with a source? Not that I don't trust you, it's just always nice to see the official words. :p

    @PhillipDaigle Posted it on one of these threads, but I am afraid I cannot remember which one :(
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Thaudal said:

    A lot of people misunderstood that sentence? What is there to misunderstand? It says, directly, word for word, that "we will be working on something a little extra for you" [in a phrase specifically adressing "all who have pre-ordered"].
    There is nothing to misunderstand. Also, where do has this been confirmed, and what is something extra?

    But as far as this...

    "I think there's some confusion here, or Trent may have misspoke - it's not that only people who pre-ordered will get an extra bonus, but rather than with the additional time we've added some things that we weren't going to add. Unfortunately they're both not yet finished, but one will be going out as an announced feature in a post-release updates, and the other will be going out as a super secret (but really cool) easter egg in one of the post-release updates."

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