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BG:EE updates, DLC and mod compatibility

This has been mentioned in other threads, but I haven't heard any official stance on this yet so I'd like to address this to @TrentOster and other dev team members: How do BG:EE updates, DLC and mods play together?

From what I've gathered, there will be plenty of updates and DLC in near future (next 6 months). If I install a mod and afterwards update BG:EE or buy a DLC, does it break my modded game and/or saves? Is there some way to keep updates, DLC and mods from breaking the game with correct install order or such?

I believe it would benefit everybody to get some sort of confirmation about this now, before people manage to break their saves and flock here to complain about it.


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I don't think there's a reliable way to make sure that adding new content to the game via DLC won't break modded games.

    If you have a mod that uses some strings to display text, you always have the chance that the DLC will require those strings (though Overhaul could give modders a heads-up and allocate a number range of strings for modders to use).

    Its basically the same thing as when you want to further mod a game that already contains mods. They might not play nice together.
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