Where can I download the Saerileth mod? [SOLVED]
Member Posts: 2,586
YES, I know 99.99% of people on this site hate it, but I still would like to have the opportunity to try it out for myself.
I've come across a few supposed download links, but they only lead to dead ends.
Anyone aware of a current hosting site?
EDIT: NVM, I found it on here, along with a bunch of other DL links, in case anyone's interested:
Post edited by SharGuidesMyHand on
Not to worry. I do not think that anybody hates it. I have played it many times, and can perhaps illuminate why some prefer other NPC mods to Sarileth
Sarileth is a sweet and a naive girl. Her romance gets going at break neck speed - which is consisitent with her personality and age. Some players prefer other kinds of NPCs and dislike the premise and therefore Sarileth. But the the mod is fine and well written imo - Sarileth brings flavor, but not to everones liking.
I give it a meh/10. Not eye-gougingly terrible like some claim, but not really worth your time overall.
I presume that you think that romance is creepy because of her age of 15. One of my friends in the UK got pregnant at that age and subsequently married the father. They had been engaged for a year when they married aged 16.
In the USA I know the age of consent is often higher, but in other countries it is 12, (It waas in Spain until recently). The parents of a friend in Nepal got married even younger than that and had a very good marriage. When a life expectancy of 40, people had to get on with raising families at a much earlier age than we do in the west where we have much longer lives.
In Medieval England 12 was considered a fairly normal age for a woman to wed, therefore Saerilleth's age of 15 should not raise eyebrows.
The Saerileth mod version 19 is bugged according to G3. That is the version that Chosen of Mystra send you to. [19.7]
I have seen a v 21 but cannot find it at present.
All that aside, the mod in question is known to contain some spectacularly cringey writing (certainly not rare among romanceable NPC mods); this more so than the age of the protagonist might be the real deal breaker for most.