PW Starter Mod?

I have an old version of the PW "Borderlands" (previously Sartre's Borderlands) -one of those real Hard Core servers. I'd love to tinker with updating if I could find a good starter PW kit mod like what used to be available in the old Vault ... You know, something out there with a bunch of updated systems already in place?
Borderlands went down permanently somewhere around 2005, so its development didn't benefit from all the wicked coolness of the past decade.
It would be fun to host it, since Sartres Borderlnds was one o the first PW's to go online after the original NWN summee launch.
Any suggestions?
(FYI, my scripting is not much beyond to what I can make/modify with Lilac Soul's script generator)
Borderlands went down permanently somewhere around 2005, so its development didn't benefit from all the wicked coolness of the past decade.
It would be fun to host it, since Sartres Borderlnds was one o the first PW's to go online after the original NWN summee launch.
Any suggestions?
(FYI, my scripting is not much beyond to what I can make/modify with Lilac Soul's script generator)
Very good options, though they all use hak packs. Granted Oleander's is CEP, I was really hoping for a good non-hak template.
I suppose I could cherry-pick and see if I can cobble something together.