A Question Regarding Overrides

Greetings and salutations, and may this evening find a full tankard in your grasp!
Do we (community) need to create a new set of overrides for EE to replace the ones we customarily used for 1.69.? Just as an example, I'm referring to things like Voicesets and NPC portraits, Undead and Goblin Appearances, et al., or are these old overrides still compatible with EE?
Do we (community) need to create a new set of overrides for EE to replace the ones we customarily used for 1.69.? Just as an example, I'm referring to things like Voicesets and NPC portraits, Undead and Goblin Appearances, et al., or are these old overrides still compatible with EE?
The wisdom of using overrides is questionable, though, as the portrait example illustrates.
A well-made module will have all its new content in haks, not overrides. That way, nothing gets broken, and no other module is affected adversly.
Having said that, graphical overrides don't often cause many problems. Script overrides, on the the hand, should be avoided, as they often break modules in unpredictable ways.
Also, I question my current wisdom at keeping some of my current Spell and Feat 2da overrides since Beamdog probably fixed or amended quite a bit in the EE version.