What will your Black Pits party consist of?

I was going to try a rather different class set up then I normally go for.
Elf Ranger
Human Necromancer
Halfling Jester
Human Cavalier
Elf Totemic Druid
Half Orc Barbarian
Elf Ranger
Human Necromancer
Halfling Jester
Human Cavalier
Elf Totemic Druid
Half Orc Barbarian
Human Monk (I love monks, I just do)
Dwarf Fighter/Cleric
Human Inquisitor, for all those pesky mages
Elf Archer
(probably) Half-elf Sorcerer, with mostly crowd-control spells
I'm playing the story first (and I'm so keen to get back onto Baldur's Gate when I get home!) and then it'll be high time for the Black Pits.
Dwarven Cleric, probably. I always liked the idea, but never make my protagonist a 'small race' (is that terribly racist?).
Aaaand... I dunno what else! I will put off thinking about it until absolutely necessary
then I'm gonna sing 'em a nice little song:
(shame that I could find the Community version of this)
and Skie
Half-Orc Cleric
Elf Fighter/Mage
Human or Halfling Fighter/Thief
Gnome Illusionist (or a Human specialist mage)
Half-Elf Skald
Dwarf Berserker
Human Cavalier
Half-Orc Barbarian
Elven Archer
Half-Elf Priest of Talos
Halfling Assassin
Half-Elf?? Sorcerer
Not sure if and to what extent stuff like having a charistmatic leader, reputation, trap finding, pickpocket etc will be needed.
Planning on having a berserker +3 new NPCS + Im + Vic for the main game, if Neera can put up with my evil NPCs.
I'll probably just import my normal BG1 party
Balgren - Male Dwarf CN Swashbuckler
Goldwulf - Female Human TN Avenger Druid
Serick - Male Halfling CN Assassin
Algowayne -Male Elf CG Archer
Kritz - Male Human CN Sorcerer
Though the Blackguard is mine, all of the others are based on some of the more memorable (and easily replicated in the BG engine/setting) player-characters my friends have come up with in our 4th Edition and Pathfinder games.
Teresa (Paladin)
Undine (Barbarian)
Clare (Fighter)
Miria (Thief)
Deneve (Cleric)
Helen (Mage)
Sauron will fall!
Branimir: Male Dwarf, Lawful Evil, Wizard Slayer.
Haluk: Male Human, True Neutral, Avenger.
Oihana: Female Elf, Chaotic Good, Archer.
Sienna: Female Elf, Chaotic Neutral, Mage/Thief.
Maya: Female Gnome, Lawful Neutral, Illusionist.
-Lawful Good
-Long Sword and Shield
-Half Elf
-Chaotic Neutral
-Dual-wielding Scimitars
-Lawful Neutral
-Priest of Helm
-Single-wielding Morning Stars
-Chaotic Evil
-Role-Playing a Pyromaniac
-Chaotic Good
-Two Handed Damager
-Lawful Evil
-Archer, support spellcaster
using this party.
1) Cavalier (2H Sword + 2H Sword style)
2) Dwarven Berserker (dual wield Axes)
3) Archer (Long Bow)
4) F/D (dual wield Scimitar)
5) F/M (dual wield Long Sword)
6) Sorcerer
By no means an optimal setup but it worked for me.
Next time I tried to solo it with a Sorcerer and I was succesfull until last battle but I did not find a way to kill Baleoth (and the Rakshasha. Last occasion I tried to do it with a Monk and it was very tough at the begining but last couple of battles were really easy including the very last battle. So, solo mission is complated.
Don't think I'll be taking a thief next playthrough.
Only found one use for one first time through.
2), 3) Ten-Shadows, kensai, and Marv, berserker, both human. These two met outside Baldur's Gate, with the latter (and his bandit gang) trying to rob the former in the road, but what with Ten-Shadows being an oriental dual-katanas-wielding swordmaster, he quickly turned Marv's companions into ribbons and forced him to wield his big bastard sword and join the fray personally, getting his rage on. After a bit of fighting, however, his sword broke because of the iron shortage, and Ten-Shadow's katanas broke because those things are rather more brittle than people give them credit for, and so the two just punched each other bloody. Eventually they decided to instead solve their matter as a drinking contest, and ended up singing and laughing in the Undercellar, completely plastered and with much pleasurable company, before a mysterious hooded stranger offered them some odd smoking drinks and they ended up in the arena together. They follow a pompous paladin as the two brawlers of the team.
4) Dime, fighter/thief, elf. She always had a gambling problem, and used to gather up money with whatever legal and illegal means she could (typically mercenary jobs and burglary), only to waste them all to games trying to get more money. One time she played like five thousand gold pieces away in the Copper Coronet, and was left with naught but a single copper piece: she asked for Tymora's luck to this single coin, putting it as a bet to eventually win back all she had lost... she didn't, but she did manage to win a coupon for a free massage. It was the best massage she ever had - but instead of a happy ending, she got this weird neck pinch and ended up waking up all groggy and sick with a tasloi trying to poke her with a spear. Pretty good shot with her bow. Works well with Lukas, but not so much with Marv: he tried to hit on her once when they first met, but stopped doing so when she revealed she knows a very special grab hold.
5) Aryon, sorcerer, human. First learned of his special talent with magic when a bully, as was his habit, was beating him up and taking his lunch money. He turned the kid into a gerbil. But it never worked for a second time, which sucks because all the kids kind of hated him now, so he ran away from home in order to learn how to turn more people into tiny critters. All he had managed, by the time he reached that festhall in Luskan, was how to make people fall asleep and burn things, which he thought were wholly inadequate for what he wanted to do. Here he was offered a spiked drink that ended with him putting some monsters to sleep in an arena, but perhaps it was all for the best for him: after having learned how to burn things even better, and slow down people, and a few more stupid magic tricks, he finally figured out the transformation trick. Baeloth will live the rest of his days as Aryon's pet squirrel, occasionally coddled at by Dime - which, the sorcerer thought, the ex-drow might not actually mind too much.
6) Gil, bard, half-elf. He always wanted to be the star, and as such he picked up his father's old lute and headed out to the world searching for adventure, fame and glory. He went on along the sword coast playing at people, running away from anything that looked at him funny, and being functionally useless to any adventuring party he might have traveled with, eventually ending up to a festhall (of course) in Neverwinter. He still hadn't gotten any famous, but he figured this would be where he finally hit it big: he had a big crowd and a great instrument and a band behind him... and perhaps it would have been so, had he not tripped and fallen down the stage right before he prepared to play, the body whisked off by a mysterious cloaked dude. From here he ended up playing to a very different sort of crowd indeed: he was pretty much of no use whatsoever for a while (the spoony bard, you know) because playing some music doesn't help much in a fight, but then he learned how to make people run away, and then how to make others faster, and also got himself a few wands, so he ended up pulling his weight in the end.
7) Baeloth, team pet, squirrel. Once a proud and mighty drow wizard, he angered some wrong people, and now lives forever as a human sorcerer's familiar. Poor bastard.
They met up in the slave pits, and came out as mighty adventurers, that would soon forge mighty legends all across Faerun, and known by everyone! Together they were... the Festhall Fellowship! (They would be the Brothel Brotherhood, but there are no brothels in Faerun.)
I didn't think the entire adventure would be literally arena-based combat, so I tried to create a more balanced party. As such the bard and all thieving stuff turned out to be entirely useless. If I ever play through this thing again, I'll know better.
Hmmm... let's see.
Male Human Berserker
Female Human Thief
Male Human Jester
Male Dwarf Cleric
Male Halfling Ranger/Barbarian
? Elf Wizard