Darkness over Daggerford question

So I'm 'trying' to keep my YouTube channel going with new videos every day and I just purchased the Darkness over Daggerford (henceforth called DoD) module. I'm in the middle of chapter 1 of the OC and was wondering if it would mess anything up if I were to finish chapter 1, import my character into DoD, finish DoD, then export the same character into chapter 2?
Just don't export your DoD character and import it into the OC. Simply reload the saved OC and you're at the same level, with the same goods, etc., as you were.
In general, you should expect one character per module -- there may be some cases where you can transition from one module to another but they'll be rare. Some suggestions...
OC: 1 character, 1 to 17ish (though I think some people made some post OC mods)
SoU + HotU: 1 character, 1 to 28ish (there are definitely a few post HotU mods such as Sands of Fate)
Aielund Saga: 1 character, 1 to 36ish
Swordflight: 1 character, 1 to 25ish currently, only the first three parts are out so far
Sanctum of the Archmage: 1 character, not sure where the series will end, haven't gotten there yet
A Dance With Rogues: 1 character, 1 to mid-20s
People expect you to have a bunch of different characters for different mods -- this isn't WoW or another MMORPG where you "main" a character and have some alts.