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Are arrows going to have damage bonuses in BG:EE?

This may be in the wrong forum.. But whatever! I just had a question that I could not find the answer to using the search tool.

In the original BG1, the arrow damage was as follows:

Arrow +1: 1D6+1
Arrow +2: 1D6+2
Acid Arrow: 1D6+1 + 2D6 Acid Damage

In BG2, this was changed to:

Arrow +1: 1D6
Arrow +2: 1D6
Acid Arrow: 1D6 + 1 + 1D3 Acid Damage

Which version are we going to have in BG:EE ?? If we have the original version, I'd say Archers are going to be very over-powered, due to their natural +1 to damage every 3 levels.

Anyone know?


  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    Yes, archers are really OP, but it happened always in cRPGs. For instance look ad Dragon Age. Absolutly stunning dps. Nobody can out damaged good archer. Note: there is only few very powerful bows in BG1. This way or another, I am gonna play ranger with archer kit. Be ware stupid spiders! Bolek is coming!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    They're going to have the shitty BGII damage, don't worry.
  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    e e .... hope they won't.
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    edited November 2012
    Quartz said:

    They're going to have the shitty BGII damage, don't worry.

    I wouldn't call it "shitty". I'd say it was a good balance move considering the archer kit. I am simply curious about which version of ammo they are going to use in EE.
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
    It's already been confirmed that the have the BGII damage.
  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    @allhailsteve can you elaborate further about it? Please, give me some specifics about archer's dps in BG2
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    I don't consider it to be so op when I keep in mind that melee weapon damage scales higher with strength and with ammunition there is always danger you run out of ammo and they're expensive when bought from stores.
  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    @Carston - on the other hand, there was no penalty to Armor Class what so ever, when you used bow at melle range.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    It's already been confirmed that the have the BGII damage.

    Really? Are you sure?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    In BG2 it's not just the ammo that's nerfed, for bows (but not slings and crossbows) the launcher (i.e. the bow) doesn't get the +x bonus either, also magic bolts don't get the +x damage bonus, but sling bullets do. I never understood this inconsistency.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Bolek said:

    @Carston - on the other hand, there was no penalty to Armor Class what so ever, when you used bow at melle range.

    Isn't it meant to be -4 penalty? Is this fixed in BGEE?
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    Bolek said:

    @Carston - on the other hand, there was no penalty to Armor Class what so ever, when you used bow at melle range.

    I usually didn't molest my ranged characters in such a way, but what ever. :P

  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    @Oxford_Guy - btw. nice nick :)
    BG2 - -4 Armor Class
    BG1 - no difference

    Anyway, even in BG2 ranger with archer kit is best dps AND it's easier to equip (if u play it smart, u don't have to worry about your poor eq except bow)

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited November 2012
    Bolek said:

    @Oxford_Guy - btw. nice nick :)

    Did you mean my username or avatar?
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221

    It's already been confirmed that the have the BGII damage.

    Really? Are you sure?
    This ^ - How are you so sure? I haven't found any info on it anywhere.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Bolek said:

    @Oxford_Guy - btw. nice nick :)
    BG2 - -4 Armor Class
    BG1 - no difference

    I'm taking an educated guess that it'll be BG2 style -4 AC penalty, as BGEE seems (mostly) to use the BG2 mechanics

  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    Carston said:

    I don't consider it to be so op when I keep in mind that melee weapon damage scales higher with strength and with ammunition there is always danger you run out of ammo and they're expensive when bought from stores.

    I'm not saying original BG1 archery was OP (although it kind of was!). I'm saying that with the introduction of the Archer kit into BG1, archery will be VERY OP if old arrow damage values are used.
  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60

    Bolek said:

    @Oxford_Guy - btw. nice nick :)

    Did you mean my username or avatar?
    User name.
    @Linkamus - well, a lot of game mechanics had been transformed from bg2 i guess...
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Bolek said:

    Bolek said:

    @Oxford_Guy - btw. nice nick :)

    Did you mean my username or avatar?
    User name.
    Well I *do* live in Oxford (UK), and I'm a guy :)

    I actually wish I'd picked something wittier or more amusing now, but don't want to change it, now that others have got to know me :-)
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    Sure ranged weapons in general felt OP especially in early game because of low HP and AC values and you could spread them across the entire group (still can), but so did Black Talon mercenaries with their frost arrows in forests near Friendly Arm Inn and Cobold Commandos with fire arrows in Firewine Ruins.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Arrows of piercing FTW.
  • SullaSulla Member Posts: 72
    Bolek said:

    @allhailsteve can you elaborate further about it? Please, give me some specifics about archer's dps in BG2

    DPS as in "damage per second"? Really? Sometimes I really wish for the 80's and the 90's again, when people could discuss fantasy RPGs without MMORPG concepts (which completely ruined 4th edition, as an aside). Personally, I think the metric is very misleading and the wrong one to use. Let's apply it to Baldur's Gate, for example. A high frequency low damage attack could produce a high "DPS" averaged over time, but can be completely mitigated by damage reduction (magic or natural) and an equally high frequency incoming stream of cure magic. Personally, the metric which really should be looked at is DPA or "damage per attack", because one good critical attack and a character is fucked without any opportunity for healing, whatsoever.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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