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WeidU Technical question for a manual installation with Big World Fixpack

MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
So i am planning to mod BGEE2.3+SoD doing it manually :

1/ Unpack all the mods i am wishing to install in the game folder (without installing them)
2/ Run the Big world Fixpack (in order to apply the needed fixes on the unpacked mods)
3/ Then install manually each mod

The SCS mod comes with the usual SCS folder, a "stratagem.bat" file instead of the more common setup-stratagem.exe and a WeiDU.exe.

Big World Fixpack also comes with a weiDU.exe (and this the problem for me), along with two .bat files (_ApplyPatches.bat which i am supposed to run in order to apply the fixes and BiG World Fixpack.bat)

As i am going to unpack them both (and many other mods too), one of the weiDU.exe is going to be overwritten by the other. Is it a problem ?

I found in the SCS readme :

" can bypass the auto-installer and go straight to the standard process in the usual way - just rename weidu.exe to setup-stratagems.exe and run it. On BG:EE, though, this needs to be done at the command line with --script-style bg2 added."

All this is beyond my actual capabilities. How do i do "this needs to be done at the command line with --script-style bg2 Added"

Is it relevant ?
What should i do ?


  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    At the moment, i don't know neither the WHY nor the HOW, but i am going for the TRY and i have few options to test :

    1/ Just keep that weidu.exe unpacked with Big World Fixpack
    2/ Just keep that weidu.exe unpacked with Sword Coast Stratagems SCS
    3/ Download the last version of the weidu.exe file and use it instead
    4/ Rename the SCS weidu.exe to setup-stratagems.exe (without doing : "this needs to be done at the command line with --script-style bg2 added." because i don't know what this means)
    5/ Stop truying to mod the game manually and learn how to use BWS !

    The solution n°5 would clearly be THE Wise solution for a newbie like me; but i am too stubborn to change my mind and i am learning few tips by truying to manually mod my Baldur's Gate gam.

    By the way, i am even starting to "enjoy" more trying to make it work than playing !!!! I wasn't expecting this at all.

    This forum is a great source of informations even if it is hard to make the distinction between "relevant" and "obsolete" informations.

  • Fulsom2121Fulsom2121 Member Posts: 25
    I used the new tool instead BWS yesterday. Worked fine for me with all the new mods. Handling SCS on BGEE manually is cumbersome. It's better let a tool do it because SCS needs some patching and specific install order.
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  • Fulsom2121Fulsom2121 Member Posts: 25
    I mentioned the new install tool rather than BWS for the very reasons @subtledoctor lists. BWS has a lot of components marked up front and you might get things without noticing if you don't check each selection. New tool is more like manual since nothing's preset and you make all your own clicks. The tool only does the downloading and patching and ordering for you. It also tells you if selections bite each other or you miss a thing, like all other SCS needs the first component.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    @subtledoctor Thanks a lot

    I did indeed notice that there is a controversy about a modder with multiple-identities who is "promoting" an "alternative" to BWS. All this is really above me but i understand your suspicion. :)

    Few statements about me : i am a complete newbie to modding, i am very stobburn, my English is terrible and i asume it (or i wouldn't be able to post any message on the forum), i am manually going to heavily mod Baldur's Gate (even if it takes me ages)… And, i may end by writing a guide to mod manually your BGEE for dummies…

    Let's go back to my endless Journey at "modding Baldur's and never play it again". For the moment i focus exclusively on modding BG:EE and i am going deeply into each step :wink:
    - Clean install and a stable vanilla game ready for modding (installation on a specific folder, UAC desactivated, modmerged, baldur.lua checked, game options,...)
    - Study of BGEE mods (readme, compatibilities and issues) in order to select the one i want to test (and with which components)
    - The construction of the Install Order (almost done)
    - The Install procedure (unpack all the mods, run Big World Fixpack, install each mod one by one) ...

    I do have many questions about my install order and i will probably open a discussion later about this subject.

    Concerning this weird weidu (at least for me), aka "THE WEIrDU)" :blush:

    1/ My downloaded "Revised SCS" ( with the same stratagems.bat and a version of weidu.exe (+ the usual modfolder). Maybe i don't have the rigth and updated link ?

    2/ About the weidu.exe file
    - I downloaded the last (and actually the latest) version (Windows binary version) of Weidu from the link
    - Can i use the last version of weidu.exe instead of the one coming with certains mods (for example Valerie, White, SCS …) or not ?
    - is there a discussion about this "...this needs to be done at the command line with --script-style bg2 added." ?

    3/ Big World FixPack
    - I know there are few versions of this fixpack and i have to use the one developped for BWS and "downloadable" here :
    - I have the 0.8m version of the mod "Tome & Blood" (unpacked in my game folder along with a many other mods…) ; when i did run big World Fix Pack (meaning i run run _ApplyPatches.bat), i get a message saying that it is expecting 0.7 version instead. does it matter or should i go back to the 0.7 version ?
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  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269

    While running Big World Fixpack i had two warnings :

    1/ WARNING: File "rr/setup-rr.tp2" contains 'VERSION ~v4.92~' instead of expected 'VERSION ~v4.91~'! This is the file targeted for patching in "SETUP-RR.TP2.PATCH" in "Big World Fixpack/rr". …"Do you want to try to apply the patch anyway?....."

    2/ WARNING: File "stratagems/setup-stratagems.tp2" contains 'VERSION ~v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility + kreso's Spell Revisions compatibility~' instead of expected 'VERSION ~v30~'! This is the file targeted for patching in "SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2.PATCH" in "Big World Fixpack/stratagems".

    Basically i understand what those warnings mean but i don't know if i have to go back to the not revised version of SCS (aka V30) and if i have to use the version 4.91 of Rogue Rebalancing instead of the 4.92 actually unpacked in my game folder.

    And some more questions :

    1/ Big World Fixpack is installing : [Apply Patches To Unpacked Mod Folders In Current Directory] [v2.6]
    Do you know about this feature ? And does it mean that i don't need anymore to unpack those mods before applying big World Fixpack ?

    2/ GUI Install Order
    I have been reading that GUI mods (like lefreut's Enhanced UI followed by EEUITweaks UI Mods Collection) can be installed anytime because they interact with no others mods. Does this also mean that "i could" install them before applying Big World Fixpack ?
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  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269

    I will definitly install all the GUI stuff at the end.

    Ok i get the idea and i will Apply it for Rogue Rebalancing (i keep the unexpected and new version of Rogue Rebalancing and i decline the invitation from Big world Fixpack to patch it.).

    About Sword Coast Stratagem, the situation could be less clear :
    - Revised SCS is a modified version of SCS specifically designed for Spell Revisions.
    - this Revised SCS contains 4 components : SCS V30 + BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility + kreso's Spell Revisions compatibility~'
    - i may have read somewhere that those "revisions" have been incorporated into Big World Fixpack. But i have no confirmation of it and i can't find where i read this !!!
    - And the last versions of BWFixpack could even contains new and other patches for SCS ?

    For the moment i am going to go with the "Revised SCS".

    NB : i have been reading a lot of discussions and sometimes it is really complicate to make the distinction between "obsolete" informations and valide ones.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • hackinslashhackinslash Member Posts: 46
    I'd patch RR, I had a look at the fix and the tp2 in rr and it hadn't been included yet.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Thanks for the advice

    You mean you would keep Rogue Rebalancing 4.92 and patche it with Big World Fixpack that is expection Rgue Rebalancing 4.91 ?

    I found back the discussion i was refering to and which you initiated :smile:

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  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    So in you opinion both solutions are totally equal :

    - SCS V30 ( ) + Big World Fixpack
    - Or the "Revised SCS" provided by Kreso ( without applying the fixes/patches from Big Worlf Fixpack
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    o:) I get it ; sorry for being too persistent.
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